Miguel Carretero


ADR Recordist
Городская пара переезжает в небольшую деревню в поисках спокойной жизни в гармонии с природой. Однако им придется столкнуться с жестокостью и недружелюбием местных жителей, что приведет к непредотвратимым последствиям...
Sound Designer
An immense fall-out between two sisters. A time for reproach and love. Something for a whole life between two beings produced by the same body but profoundly different. Together. And yet, irreconcilable. A fight to the death. Head-to-head. These sisters are our sisters. They are the multitude who live inside each one of us. That multitude is called: need, truth, struggle.
El examinador
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, bed
Esteban and Virginia do what they usually do together, but is it out of love or out of habit and fear of loneliness? Would daily routines work just as well with someone else? A depiction of a dead end relationship.