Edith Almoslino


Costume Design
Vienna 1910. Hans Trautendorffer, an 35 year old journalist bets with his newpaper chief that he'll be able to work as a farm worker in the country for a whole year. But his dreams of a healthy, quiet country life don't come true- at least not the way he expected it.
Бабушка Метелица
Costume Design
Фильм-сказка по мотивам сказки братьев Гримм о Матушке-Метелице, повелительнице снежных бурь. О её помощнике, мальчике Якубе, который не боялся Смерти. А также о бедной и доброй девушке-сироте, eё завистливой сестре и жадной и злой мачехе… И, конечно, о том, что Любовь побеждает Смерть.
Die gelbe Nachtigall
Fanny Hobichler, a young promising actress, moves to Vienna in the 1920s in order to pursue her big break. She draws inspiration and seeks help from the popular stage actor Albert Kortz who once started out from the same provincial town as she did and was a close friend of her late father. Kortz, however, dreams of retiring as he is tired of his fame and having to deal with the short-tempered theatre director Jason. Together, they try to outwit Jason.
Der Leuchtturm
Costume Design
A psychological and existential study of a prisoner charged with guarding an isolated lighthouse. If he makes it through two years, the remainder of his sentence for manslaughter in a bar brawl will be pardoned. Nobody before managed to cope with the solitude. One day, a rat makes its way to the island. The sea and the island, the man and the rat, friendship and vendetta.
Leinen aus Irland
Costume Design
Пирамида бога Солнца
Costume Design
В 1864 году в Мексике вопреки воле народа к власти пришел ставленник Наполеона III эрцгерцог Максимилиан Австрийский. Зреет революционное движение. Лидеру повстанцев Бенито Хуаресу через немецкого врача передает послание президент США Линкольн...
Сокровище ацтеков
Costume Design
Немецкий ученый Карл Стернау по поручению президента Авраама Линкольна едет в Мексику, чтобы поддержать Бенито Хуареса в борьбе против французских оккупантов. Он оказывается вовлечен в поиски легендарных сокровищ ацтеков, за которыми охотятся банда головорезов капитана Вердохи и хитроумный граф де Родриганда.
Der Bockerer
Karl Bockerer is a Viennese original. He survives the ‘great times’ – to his own dismay his birthday is on the same day as the one of the “Führer” – by pretending to be more stupid than he really is, and uncovers, over and over again, the hypocrisy and the uptightness of the epic nonsense in his milieu by means of real and phony naivety. Where Schweijk made a mockery of the ruling system by being a presumptive follower, the Viennese butcher strives against the tide. And he is not alone, has family and friends. His personal braveness protects him neither from the rebellion in his own house, nor from the horrors of total war…
Zauber der Montur
Costume Design
Military farce starring Harald Juhnke and Gunther Philipp.
Dort in der Wachau
Costume Design