Andrés Longares


Las Vegas
By chance, Martin and Laura travel to Villa Gesell at the same time. They are not together anymore but 18 years ago they conceived their son, Pablo, there. Soon, situations as absurd as they are touching will arise from their encounter. Juan Villegas ventures into comedy and is back at Bafici with a nostalgic, intimate film.
The trajectory of a romantic couple of contemporary artists reveals how the limits, contradictions and obsessions of a romantic relationship are reflected in each of their artistic endeavors.
El (im)posible olvido
Executive Producer
Our House in Cuba
There was a time in Argentina, not so long ago, when the army wasn't only one, official, but many and made up by civilians. In those times of courageous youths determined to fight to the death for that cause upheld around Peronism as wll as some left-wing postulates, revolutionary Cubas was a beacon of hope in the world scheme -a Montonero nation. "A House in Cuba" seeks to recover the curious adventure of a couple of Montonero parents and their small children, who were lovingly sent into exile in order for their parents to take up arms.
La vida después
A couple married for 25 years decides to split. Adapting to the new life will be very difficult.
Седьмой этаж
Себастьян преуспевающий адвокат из Буэнос-Айреса. Вместе со своими двумя маленькими детьми он каждый раз играет в одну и ту же игру. Кто быстрее окажется внизу? Он на лифте или они сбегут по лестнице. Как всегда, отец оказывается на месте первым, но на этот раз детей нигде нет. Они просто исчезли. С этого момента перепуганные отец и мать начинают гонку со временем, пытаясь найти своих детей.