Christina Norman


Game Change Game
With unfettered access to the players union, Game Change Game documents a tumultuous, and at times surreal, basketball season plagued by once unimaginable circumstances.
Jack and Jo Don't Want to Die
Executive Producer
Jack works at a suspension facility where people choose to halt their lives. On the night of his suspension, Jack's life takes a turn when he meets Jo.
Лего Ниндзяго Фильм
Art Department Coordinator
Ниндзяго-сити призывает на свою защиту юного Ллойда, он же Зеленый ниндзя, и его друзей, тайных воинов и Великих мастеров ЛЕГО. Под предводительством кунг-фу мастера Ву, столь же умного, сколь и остроумного, они должны одолеть злобного диктатора Гармадона, Самого Злодейского Злодея, который оказывается отцом Ллойда. Роботы против роботов, сын против отца; эпическое столкновение проверит на прочность эту неистовую, но не самую дисциплинированную команду современных ниндзя, которые должны научиться усмирять свое самомнение, чтобы по полной проявить свои способности.
Искатель воды
Art Department Coordinator
Действие фильма разворачивается в 1919 году. Это история об австралийце, который отправляется на полуостров Галлиполи, где во время Первой мировой войны проходила ожесточенная битва, чтобы разыскать тела своих погибших сыновей. И неожиданно для себя он обретает надежду там, где и не мыслил ее найти.
Art Department Coordinator
How many working class Balmain boys grow up to be showgirls? Not just any showgirl but a household name, a legend of Kings Cross, a daytime TV star, and a symbol of generational change.
Assistant Set Decoration
Рассказ о последних днях жизни Эдгара Аллана По. Знаменитый поэт преследует серийного убийцу, чьи преступления очень похожи на те, что описаны в его произведениях.
Soft Fruit
Art Department Coordinator
For the first time in 15 years, all four siblings in a family show up to care for their dying mother, who is only given a couple of weeks to live. One comes from America with her two children. A divorced sister also comes with her child and sneaks off regularly to meet a mystery man who may be her ex-husband. The third & youngest daughter is an unmarried nurse aware of her ticking biological clock. The only son chases after his grumpy father who seems to not care a whit about his wife's circumstances. The four are also faced my their mother's dreams to accomplish a few things before she dies - to visit a beach she had visited in the past, to see her youngest married, and to visit Paris. She also wants to be embalmed and be honored with a 21 gun salute. Thus the whole group has to set off in the quest to fulfill their mother's wishes.
Hotel Sorrento
Art Department Coordinator
Meg, Pippa, and Hillary are sisters who grew up in Sorrento, a small seaside town in Australia. Meg, who has lived in England for 10 years has just written a criticially acclaimed novel which she claims is entirely fictional. The book causes a stir in Sorrento and in her family when it is supected that the book is not as fictional as she claims.
Joe's Apt.
It's just a silly story of all the roaches that live with a 20-something named Joe.
The Blue Lightning
Art Department Coordinator
Harry Wingate, a rugged adventurer, is hired by a gem collector to retrieve a priceless opal, known as "The Blue Lightning," from Lester McInally, a super-criminal with an army of killers operating in the Australian outback.