Jarkko Virtanen


The Kind Stranger
The Kind Stranger is a moving, at times comical film about the ASMR community, whose members try to ease each other’s pain by making youtube videos of tender care, quiet whispers and close up attention. We see the many hours of work that “ASMR artists” put into making their videos – and their presence and sincerity. In the age of anxiety, ASMR aspires to fulfill our ancient, primal needs. We are all a bit broken, but human beings are incredibly inventive when it comes to finding ways to reach out to our kind.
Golden Land
Director of Photography
When Finnish-Somalian Mustafe discovers his ancestors’ land in the horn of Africa is full of copper and gold, he decides to swap his family’s safe but boring life in the Nordics for Somaliland, a self-declared state in East Africa. As Mustafe struggles to lift the treasures from underground, his children embark on a bumpy journey to uncover where they really belong.
Laughing Matters
Director of Photography
Recently unemployed and feeling a little bit lost, Maria takes part in stand-up class and ends up on a competition tour for novice comedians.
The Reporter
Director of Photography
Documentary about a Finnish reporter, Hannu Karpo. The movie follows Karpo's decades-long career as a journalist, and how he became a phenomenon and known by the whole nation.
I'm Listening
In the last hours of the night, A Night Radio host gets a call of a possible end of the world.
Название игры
Executive Producer
Комедийный документальный фильм о совместной работе старейшего финского разработчика инди-игр Хаусмарка и легенды американской аркадной эры Юджина Джарвиса, а также об их трехлетней борьбе за создание духовного преемника одной из самых популярных игр 80-х годов «Robotron».
Executive Producer
Для расследования серии загадочных ограблений банков и возможного заговора бывших нацистских приспешников, полицейскому детективу приходится применить нетрадиционные методы работы и прибегнуть к помощи гипнотизёра с сомнительной репутацией.
The Unforgiven
Is it possible for a war criminal to find forgiveness and to reconcile with the past? How do you find your way back to what is known as a normal life when you have been convicted of one of the worst crimes of all – a crime against humanity? Esad Landzo has looked for answers for many years, but in vain. He decides to make one last attempt. The Balkan War criminal travels back to Bosnia to meet his former camp-guard friend, his victims and his family. Will he ever be forgiven? Should he?
Diving Into the Unknown
Aerial Camera
After a terrible accident deep inside an underwater cave, the survivors are forced to risk their own lives to bring the bodies of their friends home.
Diving Into the Unknown
Director of Photography
After a terrible accident deep inside an underwater cave, the survivors are forced to risk their own lives to bring the bodies of their friends home.
Enemies Within
Director of Photography
Short film by Oskari Sipola
Moon TV - hyvästi televisio
Director of Photography
Темный этаж
Second Assistant Camera
Сара — маленькая девочка, страдающая аутизмом. Ее отец, не видя никаких улучшений в здоровье дочери, решает забрать девочку из больницы. Однако покинуть стены госпиталя им не суждено — неожиданно лифт, в котором они спускаются к выходу, ломается, и Сара вместе с отцом и другими пассажирами оказывается в ловушке. Но это только начало кошмара. Когда двери лифта откроются, их ждет настоящий ужас — существа из потустороннего мира, жертвами которых уже стали множество пациентов больницы, не пощадят никого. Единственным человеком, способным спасти несчастных, оказывается Сара…