Mary Donnelly-Haskell

Mary Donnelly-Haskell

Рождение : , Beaumont, Texas, USA


Mary Donnelly-Haskell


Долли Партон: Рождество на площади
Праздничное настроение улетучивается, когда черствая женщина приезжает продать землю в своем родном городке. Могут ли музыка, волшебство и воспоминания изменить ее планы?
Going for Broke
Martine Miller
With the innocent dropping of a few coins into a video poker machine, Laura Bancroft's world is about to change forever. Inspired by true events, Going for Broke is the compelling, hard-hitting story of one woman's overwhelming addiction to gambling.
Twice Upon a Christmas
Rudolfa Claus
Santa's first born daughter, Rudolfa, is secretly selling pieces of the North Pole, and eventually take over where she attempts to ruin Christmas, and replace Santa's workshop with a brand new casino. But Santa's lost daughter Kristin returns to the North Pole with her two children who are desperate to save Christmas, and rebuild the shattered village.
Однажды на Рождество
Rudolfa Claus
Наступило Рождество! Все детишки снова замерли в предвкушении подарков, которые им принесет добряк Санта-Клаус. Но сам усталый старик Санта в этом году как-то не в настроении. Он уже больше не может видеть, каким циничным, холодным и равнодушным стал нынешний мир.
Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story
Judge Randis Schmidt
True crime story of a Wisconsin teacher's aide who hired teenaged students to murder her estranged husband.
Her Hidden Truth
Dr. Jane Wilson
A young Billie Calhoun is accused of killing her mother and sister in a house fire. she is taken to a juvenile detention center. When she reaches 18 she requests an early release, but it is denied. so she escapes to find the real killer of her mother and sister. Eventually she seeks the aid of a cop, Matt Samoni.