Paek Yong-hui


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Circus Secretary
Двадцативосьмилетняя Ким Ен Мин работает на шахте и живет в северокорейской деревушке вместе с отцом и бабушкой. Она с самого детства мечтала стать воздушной акробаткой, однако после смерти матери отец убедил ее сосредоточиться на работе в шахте и забыть о своих мечтах. Однако она решила не сдаваться и доказать всем, что может летать...
O Youth!
A Pyongyang family with five overachieving athletic daughters get involved in their studious son’s romantic life.
Traces of Life
This is the story of Ji Jun, the widow of a sailor who swims out to an American warship with a mine in his hands and destroys it Kamikaze fashion during the Korean War. The sailor is a true believer in the revolution, while his wife cares more about what goes on in the household. In a change of heart, she decides to return to his farming village and work with the other beneficiaries of land reform to produce food for the revolution.