Executive Producer
Документальный фильм о тяжкой жизни детей-беженцев в Швеции, многие из которых начинают страдать синдромом отстраненности.
Executive Producer
Iranian musician Shahin Najafi flees his homeland and heads to Cologne, Germany after harsh criticism by several clerics over the release of his song speaking out against human rights abuses resulted in a fatwa being issued.
Co-Executive Producer
For generations, all that distinguished Eagle Pass, TX, from Piedras Negras, MX, was the Rio Grande. But when darkness descends upon these harmonious border towns, a cowboy and lawman face a new reality that threatens their way of life.
Executive Producer
For several decades, gifted and incredibly prolific forger Mark Landis compulsively created impeccable copies of works by a variety of major artists, donating them to institutions across the country and landing pieces on many of their walls. ART AND CRAFT brings us into the cluttered and insular life of an unforgettable character just as he finds his foil in an equally obsessive art registrar.
Co-Executive Producer
Оскар Грант был обычным жизнерадостным парнем двадцати двух лет от роду. Он обожал свою дочь, был примерным сыном, изменял, но смог помириться с женой, ещё он любил потрепаться с друзьями во дворе своего родного района… Это совсем недалеко от станции Фрутвэйл, где в канун Нового 2009 года его застрелил полицейский по абсолютно непонятной причине.