Marian Meder

Рождение : 1980-11-11, Herdecke, Germany


Und dann steht einer auf und öffnet das Fenster
Herr Merz
Der Spalter
Polizist Hollmann
Four neighbors, one boss, and a fateful party. The harmony between the friendly couples Bianca/Oliver and Dila/Simon is put in danger when Oliver's boss Lars invites himself to a barbecue party. With dangerous charm and amusing intrepidity, Lars pushes the situation to such an extent that the two couples begin to question the foundations of their lives and fall into actionism. Until the pressure turns into counter-pressure and Lars himself becomes a target.
Самая красивая девушка в мире
17-летний Кирилл - забавный, умный и всесторонний хороший парень. Просто его несколько большой нос портит картину. В школьной поездке в Берлин с Рокси, потрясающей новой одноклассницей, Кирилл не единственный, кого взяли с собой. Бенно, класс Казановы тоже следит за девушкой и делает противную ставку. Рокси больше интересует замкнутый Рик, который не только застенчив, но и медлителен. Кирилл спешит со своими навыками произнесенного слова на помощь Рику и влюбляется в самого Рокси. Так чье храброе сердце победит прекрасную леди?
Die Flaschenpostinsel
Herr Madó
Das Nebelhaus
Four former classmates, Philipp, Leonie, Timo and Yasmin arrange reunion over the weekend in one of Philipp's properties. Philipp's wife and daughter are also present. The weekend ends in bloodbath however, with three people dead and the suspect in coma. Two years later Leonie's mother asks the former classmate of the alleged murderer, Doro Kagel, to reopen the case. She would never trust her daughter to do such an act, and even Doro starts having doubts that are only reinforced by the silence of the survivors.
Where Have You Been
A story about a little boy his sad secret and real magic.
Viewers of the short film as a real film always in new excerpts. Oskar just doesn't understand why nobody wants to film it. For his friend Benny, however, who works in a video store, the situation is crystal clear: there are simply no highlights. So Benny gradually adds more and more elements that he hopes will be a great success. After all, he wants to help Oskar achieve an international breakthrough: In addition to baby animals and sex, racism and homosexuality must of course not be missing. While Benny lets his imagination run free, Oskar gets drunk. And so Oskar's fine story gradually becomes a cliche monster that doesn't leave much of his original idea.
Он снова здесь
Берлин, наши дни. На заброшенном пустыре возвращается к жизни черный кошмар XX века — Адольф Гитлер, кровавый диктатор, погрузивший Германию, а за нею и половину человечества в ужас Второй мировой войны, непосредственный виновник десятков миллионов смертей. Ни власти, ни сторонников, ни жилья, ни денег у него теперь нет, но есть опыт восхождения со дна на вершины и твердая вера в победу национал-социализма. Неподготовленный мир принимает бывшего диктатора за гениального актера, его гневные речи взрывают интернет, и… Гитлер второй раз в жизни обретает статус суперзвезды. Чем же это обернется в наше время?
Brezeln für den Pott
Dietmar Grabowski
Two worlds collide when the thoroughbred Swabian Roland Reuter is transferred to Duisburg by his employer, the bakery Weckle. There he is supposed to bring the downsized company branch back into the black. For the solid employee an immense challenge - not least because his wife Sybille and pubescent daughter at home in the country has remained. Thus, Roland works hard from Monday to Friday to implement Swabian work ethic for his staff, who are endowed with typical Ruhr-pot-serenity.
Bella Casa: Hier zieht keiner aus!
Bella is a single mother business and mother trapped in the normal everyday insanity. Nevertheless, she is happy. But from now on, everything gets out of hand. The house, in which the elderly-shared apartment of Bella's father and their own physiotherapy practice are located, is to be sold and renovated. Bella would not be Bella if she was not determined and would fight with all her might against the injustice and sale of the house. But as she juggles with family, her practice, PR campaigns, demos and squatters, Bella needs to realize that even her power is not endless.
Ohne Dich!
Dr. Zeidler
Three loosely connected stories: The relationship between midwife Rosa and therapist Marcel is shaken to the core by a cancer diagnosis. Wandering aimlessly through life, waitress Motte is horrified to discover she’s pregnant – by her best friend Neo, who’s not even sure about his sexual orientation. Finally, cleaning lady Layla refuses to accept that her ex, Navid, has left her for a younger woman. Each situation escalates on one fateful night: A gun is fired, a woman dies, and a child is born. ‘Without you’ – an expression that can be formulated both negatively and positively: ‘I can’t live without you’ also means ‘life is much better with you’. Director Alexandre Powelz maximises this interpretation to its fullest potential. OHNE DICH is a film both about love and its bitter ingredients, and the equally sobering, yet comforting certainty that life goes on.
Mischa Skaczek
A few people decide to found their own little state n the middle of Germany, near Berlin...
Mann kann, Frau erst recht
When Tina discovers her current boyfriend, Frank, has been cheating on her, she rewrites his text to a competition in a male magazine as a story about his small penis. When the story wins, Tina dresses as a man to collect the prize as Frank Schmidt. She is instead offered a job at the magazine and has to deal with pretending to be a man as well as her developing feelings for the chief editor, Moritz.
Glückstreffer - Anne und der Boxer
Katie Fforde - Glücksboten
William Dobbs
Фанатки на завтрак не остаются
Radio Fritz Mitarbeiter
После года, проведенного в США в качестве студентки по обмену, 17-летняя Лила возвращается домой в Германию, где влюбляется в привлекательного молодого человека по имени Крис. То чего Лила изначально не знала: за год ее отсутствия в Германии появилась молодежная супер-популярная группа, в одночасье добившаяся огромного успеха среди подростков. Слава группы еще не дошла до США, но в Германии они стали мега-звездами, а солистом группы как раз и является Крис. Когда Лила узнает об этом, трудности неизбежны. К тому же, Крис разделяет чувства Лилы к превеликому ужасу своего менеджера: по контракту Крису запрещено иметь подружек, так это испортит его имидж одинокого красавчика. Есть ли шанс у любви Лилы и Криса?
Heroes from the Neigborhood
Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg. Attila the fireman can eat glass – but this doesn’t help his love life. His girlfriend, Sabine, breaks up with him. She wants more from life. It’s her dream to be a talk show host – and there’s no place for Attila in her career plan. Despite being a talk show host, Erika is unhappy. She can no longer connect with her husband Ulf, who is reliving his youth and making use of his psychological prowess to conquer female hearts. Their pubescent son Niko avoids both parents as he makes his own way through life, propelled by his sex drive. When the next guest on Erika’s show – a TV junkie and shy bakerwoman called Rosine – cancels at short notice, Erika has to find a new candidate. She discovers Attila in the house next door.
Police Officer 3
When a young musician and his wife become witness of a bank robbery they get in the midst of a political conspiracy with the risk of losing their lives.
Убийственный мир
Ritchie Tornow
Young Bundeswehr soldiers Tom and Charly are stationed in Kosovo with the KFOR peacekeeping force. Their mission is to secure peace. Although the brutal war between the enemy Serbs and Albanians is officially over, the hatred between people continues to smoulder. When Tom and Charly rescue the young Serbian Mirjana from the fatal shot of the young sniper Durcan, they get caught between all fronts. They lose their professional distance due to the resulting closeness to Mirjana - who has to learn that her father was a war criminal - but also to Durcan - whose entire family was wiped out. Soon they are entangled in a conflict about guilt, manipulation, love and revenge...