Tessa Mansfield-Hung


Time Addicts
In debt to their volatile drug dealer, best friends, Denise and Johnny, agree to a sketchy job to pay off their last hit. After breaking into a decrepit stash house to steal a bag of mysterious drugs, escape proves more troublesome, as the pair find themselves trapped inside with a madman. With no way out and not one to miss an opportunity, Johnny smokes the new drug and promptly travels into the past, triggering alarming new events in the future. Separated through time, Denise is left alone to confront her past, their dealer’s real identity, and her very own existence.
Vale Light
Production Manager
In the public housing commission estate of Pendle Vale, a single mum and her daughter do it tough, until one day a witch decides to change their fortune.
К западу от солнечного света
Associate Producer
У разлученного со своей семьей и попавшего в круговорот азартных игр и долгов, Джима осталось меньше дня, чтобы заработать большие деньги для возврата долга криминальному авторитету. Но в день, когда он должен отдать долг, - он вынужден присматривать за сыном, и всё переворачивается в его жизни, когда его последнее отчаянное усилие по выплате долга ставит под угрозу жизнь сына. Так жизнь поставила Джима перед выбором: он должен сделать выбор между своим прошлым и вторым шансом на жизнь.
Second Assistant Director
Tuuli grows up in an oppressively religious and abusive family in Finland. To escape from the shadow of her angelic twin sister she travels to Melbourne, Australia. Curious of sexuality, she becomes a nude model for art classes. Her innocent surface reveals sordid cracks as she sets about exerting her twisted version of righteousness.