Executive Producer
Ученый-генетик Адам Слоуп потерял свою любимую жену Доун. Вне себя от горя Адам решается на научный эксперимент — он клонирует биологический материал Доун и воссоздает ее точного генетического клона. Но только получившаяся копия не совсем та женщина, которую любил Адам. И он снова и снова клонирует ее клетки в надежде, что однажды Доун вернется к нему.
An official selection of the Sundance Film Festival and PBS, The Return of Navajo Boy is an internationally acclaimed documentary that reunited a Navajo family and triggered a federal investigation into uranium contamination. It tells the story of Elsie Mae Begay, whose history in pictures reveals an incredible and ongoing struggle for environmental justice. A powerful new epilogue (produced in 2008) shows how the film and Groundswell Educational Films outreach campaign create news and rally supporters including Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA). The Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform mandated a clean-up plan by the five agencies responsible for uranium contamination. Ironically, the US EPA's Comprehensive Five-Year Plan did not include Ms. Begay's backyard, until she travelled with this film to Washington, DC and screened it on Capitol Hill in September, 2008.
A former news reporter marries and tries to adjust to the life of a house wife and mother. However, her need for an adrenaline high is overpowering and she becomes a gambling addict.
Two single mothers, polar opposites in personality, join forces to track down their children that have been kidnapped by their ex-husbands.