Tony Vitale


Life's a Beach
Darren gets stood up on the day of his wedding and uses his vacation tickets with his best friend, RJ, to spend his "honeymoon" at a Club Med-style resort.
Life's a Beach
Darren gets stood up on the day of his wedding and uses his vacation tickets with his best friend, RJ, to spend his "honeymoon" at a Club Med-style resort.
One Last Ride
An emotionally gripping look at a man's personal battle to end a self-destructive path of compulsive gambling.
Побег с «Елисейских полей»
Начинающий писатель Байрон принимает предложение элегантного Лютера, владельца «мужского эскорта», обслуживающей богатых и утонченных женщин. Байрон уверяет себя, что ограничится походами в оперу и игрой в теннис и не будет изменять своей любящей жене. Первой его клиенткой оказывается жена знаменитого писателя и кумира Байрона, прекрасная Андреа. В ее роскошном доме Байрон начинает свое грехопадение и понимает, что уйти с Елисейских полей будет непросто…
Very Mean Men
Night Bartender
A bartender wants rid of an obnoxious drunk but not until the drunk has left a decent tip. So the bartender tells the story of two mobster families, the Minetti's who work out of an Italian restaurant in the East San Fernando Valley, and the Mulroney's who work out of an Irish pub in the West San Fernando Valley. Mob war breaks out when one of the Minetti "boys" stiffs Big Paddy's daughter on her tip. We soon see why these hoods are called very mean men
Very Mean Men
A bartender wants rid of an obnoxious drunk but not until the drunk has left a decent tip. So the bartender tells the story of two mobster families, the Minetti's who work out of an Italian restaurant in the East San Fernando Valley, and the Mulroney's who work out of an Irish pub in the West San Fernando Valley. Mob war breaks out when one of the Minetti "boys" stiffs Big Paddy's daughter on her tip. We soon see why these hoods are called very mean men
Kiss Me, Guido
When he discovers his girlfriend having sex with his brother, Frankie decides to head to Manhattan, leaving his Bronx pizza shop forever for the fame and fortune of show business. But before stardom, he needs a place to stay. Looking in the personals, he notices GWM. And thinking it "Guy with Money," he heads to the Village and the apartment of gay actor Warren, who's in desperate need of this month's rent.
Kiss Me, Guido
When he discovers his girlfriend having sex with his brother, Frankie decides to head to Manhattan, leaving his Bronx pizza shop forever for the fame and fortune of show business. But before stardom, he needs a place to stay. Looking in the personals, he notices GWM. And thinking it "Guy with Money," he heads to the Village and the apartment of gay actor Warren, who's in desperate need of this month's rent.
Бронкская история
Location Manager
Король бронкской мафии Сонни убил человека. Просто так. Из-за места на парковке. Среди бела дня вытащил пистолет и несколько раз выстрелил. Полиция узнала, что свидетелем преступления был 9-летний Калоджеро, и допросила мальчика. Но Калоджеро не выдавал Сонни. И попал в любимчики мафиози. Что сильно не понравилось водителю автобуса, отцу мальчика. С этого дня началось сотрудничество Сонни и Калоджеро, и, когда мальчик вырос, он не просто стал свидетелем других кровавых деяний своего босса, но и сам оказался на краю пропасти…