Larry Reese


Team Bride
Hardworking and dedicated seamstress, Hannah McKenzie, runs a side business making bespoke wedding dresses when she’s not busy with her day job at renowned bridal salon, Millington’s. Her operation is soon threatened, however, when Will Millington, heir to the bridal empire, comes in looking to revamp the brand. Along the way, the two manage to sort out their differences, work together and perhaps even fall in love…
Haunting Melissa
Mike Cole
Melissa mysteriously disappears when she seeks out the truth behind her mother's death in an isolated farmhouse.
I Think I Do
Harry Ryan
I Think I Do is a romantic-relationship comedy about commitment, cold feet, the endurance of true love, the importance of family ties and the hard lesson learned that, try as we may, life simply does not go as planned.
Горбатая гора
Jolly Minister
На фоне живописных просторов штата Вайоминг разворачивается история сложных взаимоотношений двух молодых людей – помощника владельца ранчо и ковбоя родео. Герои случайно встречаются и скоро понимают, что не могут жить друг без друга. Однако судьба упрямо испытывает их на прочность.
Question of Privilege
Mr. Freeman
A defense attorney wife and her prosecutor husband square off in court over a murder case in which four young boys are accused.
Tom Luckinbill
Это история Уильяма Мунни - бывшего хладнокровного убийцы, нашедшего в себе силы покончить с грязным ремеслом. Он стал фермером, завел семью. И вот сейчас его жена умирает, оставляя его одного с двумя детьми. Мунни беден, ему нужны деньги. Скофилд Кид предлагает ему поймать двух ковбоев, совершивших преступление, и получить за это вознаграждение. Но все складывается совсем не так, как хотелось...
Blood Clan
Mr. Becker
A Scottish girl is being adopted by the judge who has condemned all the members of her family to death. But as she remembers all of this she commits a lot of atrocities.
Hounds of Notre Dame
Tom Howard
It's the winter of 1940. Father Athol Murray - "Pere" to most that know him - is an opinionated, chain-smoking, hard drinking parish priest at Notre Dame College in Wilcox, Saskatchewan. His strong opinions include his disdain for socialism as epitomized by the CCF party in Saskatchewan and the current war which has claimed too many lives including those of former students, needing to raise money to operate the College by whatever means, and not wanting others to emulate his vices - especially not wanting the students and women to smoke - while he blissfully enjoys those vices himself.