Rex Gildo’s songs and musicals made him very popular. His best-known song was “Fiesta Mexicana” from 1972. Rosa von Praunheim tells the story of his life in the context of the gay pride movement, the normative pressures of the Schlager music industry, and the profound changes currently underway.
Georgios Tanamos
The consequences of the climate catastrophe are dramatic in 2034. Drought and floods destroy the livelihoods of millions of people. After the third storm tide in a row, the headquarters of the International Court of Justice in The Hague was evacuated. In a provisional interim building in Berlin, the climate catastrophe becomes the subject of legal proceedings. Two lawyers represent 31 countries of the global South, which are doomed to destruction without the support of the international community.
Professor Karadimos
Гениальный, но неискушённый в отношениях студент Пит соглашается на предложение бойкой красотки Клары о совместной работе над научным проектом. Со временем ребята сдруживаются, но Пит не понимает, что находится во френдзоне и питает призрачные надежды. И когда он решается сделать первый шаг, то получает отказ, который ранит его до глубины души и превращает в совершенно другого человека.
The young and lonesome 18year old Mercedes visits the legendary techno festival "Heimat" for the first time in her life. She is longingly hoping for experiences of proximity, joy and intensity. Instead, she finds herself confronted with the abysses of this alleged perfect world. In the end, Mercedes sees no way out without committing an act of violence.
Сюжетной основой является первая часть поэтической драмы Гете, где повествование, в основном, строится на любовной линии Фауст-Маргарита.
The oppressing life of a father and his son with a tragic ending and what can happen if a dream suddenly comes true.
Lena’s marriage is challenged, when her husband falls ill. He asks her to help him to die self-determined. An unbearable burden or a final proof of love? Although her desperation is rising Lena cheers him. She fosters him, crosses borders.