Frankie Ray

Frankie Ray


Frankie Ray


Галактика юрского периода
В недалёком будущем корабль космических исследователей терпит крушение на неизвестной планете. Вскоре им предстоит встретиться с некоторыми из своих худших страхов, поскольку они обнаруживают, что планета населена чудовищными динозаврами.
Она придёт сегодня ночью
Прошлой ночью её похитили. Утром принесли в жертву. Сегодня ночью она оживёт. А все остальные умрут.
The film follows John Crenshaw as he accompanies his girlfriend and her students on a weekend nature-photography expedition deep into the woods. What should be an educational and fun-filled weekend turns into horror as the group is besieged by an unspeakable evil - a horde of hideously disfigured, mutated humans with an insatiable taste for blood. As things go from bad to worse, Crenshaw becomes their only hope if they are going to get out alive.
Tim and Eric and Frankie Ray Intro
Tim and Eric and Frankie Ray Intro
Otis N' Dwayne
Two androgynous creatures embark on a psychotronic journey of self-discovery in a cruel, unusual, mostly male world in this dark comedy about two gay androids abandoned in a New Jersey suburb inhabited by God, the devil, and other lowlifes.
House Burglar
Driven by a promise, fueled by revenge. True Romance and Vanishing point, the Mojave desert is the backdrop for this heartfelt story of betrayal and redemption. An eclectic collection of unique characters that include Japanese gangsters, an Italian proctologist, an Armenian art dealer and a hero with a very cool car set the stage for this modern crime thriller.
American Crime
A news team hunts for a serial killer who stalks victims via videotape and then records the ghastly deed.
After stealing a huge stash of drugs, speed freaks Hector and Dorena plan to cook up an enormous batch of crystal meth and get rich quick. Hector's old buddy Merle has the perfect hideout/meth lab: an old, abandoned farmhouse in the woods where no one will ever find them. Unfortunately, no one will hear their screams either. Turns out, they may not be alone after all. It seems this farmhouse is the site of a horrific urban legend. Now, holed up together with nothing to do but snort, smoke and shoot up, the strung-out "cookers" fall prey to paranoia, private demons and terrifying visions which, whether they are hallucinations or hauntings, are equally terrifying and just as deadly!
Легендарного полицейского суперагента Чарли Мэйо неожиданно подвело здоровье. Несмотря на несчетное количество проведенных им опаснейших операций, последняя из них его доконала: нюх на опасность, стальные нервы и железный желудок в конце концов отказались ему подчиняться. Нервный срыв и панический ужас перед мафиози Фульвио Несстра, которого Чарли должен арестовать, заставили его всерьез призадуматься о смене профессии. Поэтому прямиком из лазарета бывший герой направился к психиатру. И — о, чудо! Групповая терапия и в особенности медсестра Джуди оказали ему необходимую помощь.
One Small Hero
Baby Flynn
Joey Cooper is a small boy who wants more than anything to be a member of the "Wilderness Club." But he has failed over and over again to pass the test and was not allowed to join. But when Joey gets home after his latest failure, he finds his mother has bought him all new camping equipment for his trip. Joey can't bring himself to tell her he didn't make the club so he takes the gear and leaves for the trip anyway, hiding on the bus. When a couple of kidnappers grab the kids, Joey is still in hiding and it's left for Joey to save them all.
Vampire Lord (uncredited)
Получеловек-полувампир Блэйд (Уэсли Снайпс) намерен уничтожить виновника своей судьбы - Дьякона Фроста (Стивен Дорф). Когда-то в кровь Блэйда попало совсем немного вампирского яда, но с течением времени он стал ощущать неизбежность своего превращения. Желая избавить людей от тайной и могущественной армии вампиров, заполонивших общество, он отправляется на решающий бой...
Kiss the Girls Goodbye
Carl Ray Hicks
Overbearing mom causes Carl's sociopathic behavior.
Double Cross
A troubled, but goodhearted artist and motorcycle rider struggles to stay on the straight and narrow when he has easy access to drugs, orgies and a lucrative car theft racket.
Committed to overthrowing a bloodthirsty tyrant, brave freedom fighter Blaine (James Phillips) earns a one-way ticket to Prison Planet, an inhospitable wasteland where he battles violent goons and struggles to find Himshaw (Jack Willcox), the key to restoring peace and justice. Written and directed by Armand Gazarian, this sci-fi action film features plenty of comic relief from Dave Bean, who co-stars as a spineless businessman.