Umair Shahid


Actor in Law
CGI Supervisor
An aspiring actor succumbs to pressure from his father and takes up the role of lawyer.
Supervising Editor
A man of Pakistan's Elite Special Forces whose life gets entangled with Politics. They soon realize that serving the nation is more complicated than simple following of orders.
The efforts of the Pakistani security forces in their fight against terrorism and how the lives of security officials are affected. A retired security officer returns to save Pakistan from a major terrorist attack.
Нападение на Уолл-стрит
Senior Modeller
Это история обычного, среднестатистического жителя Нью-Йорка, с хорошей работой и счастливой семьей. После того, как наступает экономический кризис, он лишается работы и будучи в отчаянии он берет оружие и отправляется мстить за свою испорченную жизнь.