Edward Hong

Edward Hong


Edward Hong


Fat Fleshy Fingers
Ray (segment: "The King of Carrot Flowers")
An anthology film that tells the tales of eight hapless souls infected with a monstrous sexually transmitted parasite that holds eldritch powers over its host’s mind.
When 13-year-old Tommy loses his parents to a drug raid, he turns to a phone sex operator (his fairy godmother) for help as he embarks on an urban odyssey to escape foster care with his two best friends.
Eddie Park
A group of artists’ lives becomes unwittingly entangled as their obsessions and insecurities manifest monsters, demons and death.
Make a Wish
A dark comedy about a man who discovers that his fiancée has kidnapped his high school bully for his 30th birthday with the hope that he’ll take his revenge.
Человеческий зоопарк
Contestant 58
Действие фильма выстраивается вокруг группы людей, которые с подачи закулисных заказчиков решились на участие в авантюрном, но весьма прибыльном проекте, суть которого заключалась в том, чтобы провести в одиночной камере как можно дольше времени. В камере каждого участника будет установлена камера, которая будет демонстрировать происходящие событие в прямом эфире – к телеэкранам примкнут миллионы зрителей, ведь приз немал – целый миллион долларов. Удастся ли участникам этого бесчеловечного проекта сохранить психологическое самообладание и дойти до конца, сохранив при этом свою жизнь?
Frances and Yuri Ring in the New Year
It turns out that life as we know it is a sophisticated computer simulation. Earth, existence, and consciousness; all the design of a hyper intelligent race of aliens known as the Thesquardorians. On December the 31st, 1974, the Thesquardorians decided the simulation had run its course. This is an absurdist comedy set in a computer lab in the 1970s. Two computer technicians dredging through their graveyard shift on New Year’s Eve stumble upon the final digit of pi which sends their entire existence spiraling out of control as they come to terms with the fact that it was all a sophisticated computer simulation.
Tyler Lee
When a group of eccentric loners is scapegoated by the government and forced into a ridiculous group therapy program as part of its war on violence they must come together to stand up for their right to be alone.
Карнавал чудовищ
Молодая пара идет на свидание в канун Рождества и попадает в странный кинотеатр, где им показывают гротескные пугающие истории с рождественской тематикой, от скучных предпраздничных корпоративов и походов по магазинам до кровожадных маньяков и бессмертных демонов.
Пожалуйста, приготовьтесь
Cinnabon Guy
Молодая женщина, страдающая аутизмом, сбегает от сиделки, чтобы подать свою рукопись на конкурс писателей.
Hot Air
Agent Xu
A man fakes his death. At his funeral he discovers he has a son and attempts to find him.
Mango Sticky Rice
Katie is a dog loving foodie who is very content with her single life. Soon, she finds herself being pressured to find love. Meanwhile, Chris, the delivery boy just wants to get her attention. Will Katie find someone who will love her for who she is? Will Chris finally win her over?