Francisco Audenino


Vacanze in Argentina
Believing that his death is near, a millionaire who lives in Argentina brings three girls to benefit them in his will and they end up falling in love with three Argentines.
A criminal confronts the police by firing at them with a machine gun from the first floor of a villa on the outskirts of Buenos Aires and occasionally shooting down a policeman. The gunman has time to reflect, to load his gun, to run from one window to the other. Whoever leads the police notices the futility of his efforts and suspends the fire.
La venenosa
The Boss
A. López Suárez
The head of a criminal gang has all the power among his men until one decides to testify against him.
Un centavo de mujer
A Difficult Widow
In colonial Buenos Aires a widow marries a condemned man out of spite.
Después del silencio
A doctor is persecuted after treating a tortured man at a police station.
La pícara soñadora
A store clerk lives in the furniture section without anyone noticing.
El barro humano
A marital conflict reaches the courts and becomes public comment.
El hombre que debía una muerte
A young woman welcomes a stranger into her home who pretends to have an accident. After a fleeting romance, the two marry and she immediately inherits a fortune due to the death of her uncle. Later, the young woman discovered that there is a connection between the events.
Cuando los duendes cazan perdices
Eulogio Soto lives with his mother. To please her, he tries to locate her brother because she will have to undergo a delicate eye operation and he fears that he will never be able to see her face again. The youngest son, who does not know who his real family is, lives in a luxurious mansion. In the search for his lost brother, Eulogio will be "found" by a woman who, like a goblin, makes life impossible for him to help him by all means.
A handsome newcomer in a village marries a local girl. A year or so later an abandoned baby is left on the couple's doorstep, a baby the man had with another woman. They decide to raise the kid along with the one they had together.
¡Ué... Paisano!
The story revolves around the relationship of Italian immigrants and Argentines. Nostalgia for his country of origin and life in a strange country. It is a call for the union of immigrants that evokes sentimentality. The film conveys the sensation of the musician, whom an Italian immigrant listens to, and feels "understood and unconditionally loved"
El conde de Montecristo
Edmundo Dantes is betrayed by his best friend, who has him killed to keep his property and his love. But after a few years, a certain Count appears to mortify the life of the traitorous friend.
La casa grande
A man and his con man brother, who adores his mother, has a dream of seeing the family reunited.
Текут мутные воды
Братья Сантос и Руфино Перальта подвергаются жестокому обращению со стороны работодателей. Они сталкиваются только с тяжелой работой и нечеловеческими условиями труда. Настало время для восстания, и рабочие хотят создать профсоюз, чтобы защититься от несправедливости...
Sombras en la frontera
Episodes of the action of the gendarmerie against smuggling.
Feminine Wiles
A man feels abandoned because his wife is too busy with her incredible success as a lawyer. Because of this, he ends up falling into infidelity and showing certain contradictions in his wife.
El patio de la morocha
The granddaughter of the watchman of a theater that is going to be demolished has the dream of being a successful female singer like her mother and the son of the theater owner makes it possible.
Tierra extraña
Based on the novel by Roberto Vagni, it narrates the exploitation of loggers from Corrientes and Chaco by the English company La Forestal.
Cane concert
Lorenzo Morel
Derecho viejo
Tango musician moves to France to put an unhappy love affair behind him. Inspired by the life of tango composer Eduardo Arolas.
Buenos Aires a la vista
A group of young people is torn between the established order of the professional world and their rebellion.
Don Fulgencio
The adventures of the man who had no childhood, smart for business, but a lover of innocent jokes.
Late-Model Wife
When a young woman who knows nothing about housework falls in love, her grandmother and nanny make her seem like the ideal housewife in front of her boyfriend.
El seductor
A train stops for a break in the station of a small town. That random moment allows the railway chief to fall in love with a beautiful passenger, who ends up wrapping him in a complex police plot.
La vendedora de fantasías
A store clerk, a detective, the robbery of a necklace and a murder.
Avivato (El rey de los vivos)
Fast-talking con artist type falls in love with a nice young woman and tries to go straight to win her father's approval.
Dance of Fire
The sometimes profound, sometimes slightly sordid tale of Elena, a famous concert pianist who, as a child, was sexually assaulted by a circus clown while the music of Manuel de Falla "Ritual Dance of Fire" could be heard from the circus tent. Since that time, Elena has gone into hysterics every time she hears that composition. Making matters worse, the lascivious clown is now her business manager.
Rodríguez supernumerario
A humble employee is believed to be responsible for the dishonest actions of his colleagues.
Mirad los lirios del campo
A woman's dilemma between love for her mother and passion for a man.
La senda oscura
An impostor pretends to be the mother of a blind man so he can manage his assets. But things are changing because of the arrival of the person who takes care of the blind.
The young daughter of a murdered rancher takes possession of her lands in Patagonia and must fight criminals alongside a teacher.
Un bebé de París
El ferretero
A woman fakes her pregnancy to keep her husband and then it turns out to be true.
A man who has invested a lot of money in the extraction of petroleum in Comodoro Rivadavia is betrayed by his foreman.
Nuestra tierra de paz
During a conversation between a grandfather and his grandson, the latter tells him the story of the liberator General José de San Martín (1778-1850) from the patriot's childhood, through his stay in Spain, his return to the Río de la Plata, the development of the continental plan and the European exile.
La vuelta de Rocha
A sailor and a tango singer fall in love. To protect her, the man takes her to live with his family. But before embarking, he is robbed, and the circumstances accuse the girl of being an accomplice of the criminals.