Nadio Fortune

Nadio Fortune


Nadio Fortune


Hard Men
British Gangster film with a tongue-in-cheek approach to the genre, including a part played by 'Mad' Frankie Fraser. When Tone's ex girlfriend resurfaces with a daughter he never knew he had, he moves from the world of blackmail, extortion and the occasional hit into the realm of nappies and lullabies. His pals, Speed and Bear, feel let down, but his employer Pops Den is furious and decides the best thing to do is wipe Tone out...but who will do it...and at what price?
В яблочко!
Italian Bidder
Мошенники-авантюристы Сидни Липтон и Джаралд Брэдли-Смит очень похожи на учёных-атомщиков Дэниела Хиклара и Джона Бевистока, которые решили утаить сведения о сделанном ими открытии и сделать на этом крупный бизнес во время переговоров в Шотландии с теми, кто заинтересован в приобретении нового сверхмощного оружия. Мелкие проходимцы, привлечённые для сотрудничества английской разведкой, попадают в непредвиденные ситуации, так как и сами учёные непредусмотренно появляются на сцене, путая все замыслы интриганов от политики.
The Accountant
London middle class Jewish accountant Lionel is preparing for his son's bar mitzvah when he does a little favour for a friend, and ends up getting mixed up with the Mafia.
The Fools on the Hill
This is a dramatisation of the events surrounding the opening night of British television on November 2, 1936 at Alexandra Place in London. It was produced to commemorate its 50th anniversary.
Another Time, Another Place
Set in 1943 in Scotland during World War II. Janie is a young housewife married to a man named Dougal, 15 years her senior. As part of a war rehabilitation program, Janie and Dougal welcome three Italian POWs to work on their farm. Soon, Janie falls in love with one of them...