Patrick Drury
Patrick Drury is a character actor best known for playing shopkeeper John O'Leary in the Channel 4 television comedy Father Ted. His film credits include the horror movie The Awakening (1980) starring Charlton Heston, and the 1984 comedy Laughterhouse (also known as Singleton's Pluck) with Ian Holm. He was previously married to actress Caroline Langrishe.
Timon has it all – money, influence, friends. Surely it can’t last? When the money runs out, Timon soon finds her influence and friends have also gone. Left alone, she flees Athens to take refuge in the woods, cursing the city she once loved.
Woodrow Wilson
Невероятная история, основанная на реальных событиях жизни Королевы Марии, родившейся британской принцессой, дочери герцога Эдинбургского Альфреда и великой русской княгини Марии Александровны. Мария - дитя двух из самых могущественных европейских семей. Она могла стать королевой Великобритании, но несмотря на то, что будущий король Георг V предлагает ей брак, под давлением своей матери, Мария выходит замуж за румынского кронпринца Фердинанда.
Marcus Andronicus
The decay of Rome reaches violent depths in Shakespeareas most bloody play. Titus is a ruler exhausted by war and loss, who relinquishes power but leaves Rome in disorder. Rape, cannibalism and severed body parts fill the moral void at the heart of this corrupt society. Shakespeareas gory revenge tragedy presents us with murder as entertainment, and, as the body count piles up, poses questions about the nature of sexuality, family, class and society.
Following Caesaras assassination, Mark Antony has reached the heights of power. Now he has neglected his empire for a life of decadent seduction with his mistress, Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. Torn between love and duty, Antonyas military brilliance deserts him, and his passion leads the lovers to their tragic end.
Apple Accountant
История жизни Джона Леннона на фоне распадающихся Битлз с 1967 до 1971 года.
Maj. Anthony Hamilton-Smith
In 1971, fresh-faced, eager for heroics, the young officers arrive in Belfast. Pelted with rocks by kids, sniped at by the IRA, they take refuge in sex, black humour and the weird rituals of the officers' mess.
James Walton
A black comedy and period piece set during the Thatcher years, it tells the story of an affair between two academics, previously devoted wife and mother Charity Walton (Harriet Walter) and serial womanizer Mark Carleton (Bill Nighy)
Detective Inspector
Shoot to Kill is a four-hour drama documentary reconstruction of the events that led to the 1984–86 Stalker Inquiry into the shooting of six terrorist suspects in Northern Ireland in 1982 by a specialist unit of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), allegedly without warning (the so-called shoot-to-kill policy); the organised fabrication of false accounts of the events; and the difficulties created for the inquiry team in their investigation.
Brian O'Brien
Three alternative comedians get involved in a pyramid-selling organization, Pathway, in order to finance their act. They gain great success by deploying their skills as entertainers, only to eventually discover the sinister purpose behind the Pathway organization.
David Wolmer
A farmer becomes an unintentional celebrity when, because of a strike, he has to walk his 5000 geese 100 miles to market.
Paul Whittier
Дочь Солнца и любимица Осириса, Царица Египта Кара была при жизни настоящим воплощением Зла на Земле. Археолог Мэттью Корбек обнаружил ее саркофаг при раскопках в Городе Мертвых. И как только археологи проникли в гробницу, злобная, сверхъестественная сила вырвалась на свободу. А когда археологи в Музее Каира извлекли мумию Кары из саркофага, произошла реинкарнация Царицы Египта в тело дочери Корбека – Маргарет. И продолжилась, прерванная 3800 лет назад, серия жестоких, леденящих кровь убийств. Так сбылось древнее проклятие Долины Фараонов, и зло, которое было запрещено возвращать к жизни, воскресло…