Renee Weldon


Trouble with Sex
A sexy romantic drama in which, at the outset, the characters are leading their own lives in very different worlds, though each is beset by niggling discontentment. Michelle (Renée Weldon - IFTA Best Actress) is a fast-rising young Dublin lawyer with a smart apartment overlooking the Liffey, but dissatisfied in her relationship with a doctor (Declan Conlon). Conor (Aidan Gillen) is lonely and unattached, dutifully running the traditional Dublin pub owned by his hard drinking father (Eamon Morrissey). Late one night, Michelle bursts into the bar and orders a triple vodka. The consequences are explored and developed with an honesty and credibility as these disparate characters tentatively draw closer to each other. They become lovers. There is a strong sexual attraction. But there are complications along the way and the path to love can be rocky. Something's got to give. And what's the trouble with sex? You'll see...
Leo's Wife
Sunday tells the story of an infamous day in Derry, North of Ireland and how the events of that day were subsequently covered up by the British Government of the time. On Sunday 30th January 1972 a peaceful civil rights march against internment (imprisonment without trial), organised by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) ended with 13 marchers shot dead and 15 wounded. It became known throughout the world as Bloody Sunday. Told primarily from the perspective of the Derry community, juxtaposed with the British Army/state's preparations and reaction to the day, Sunday communicates the forensic and emotional truth of what happened
Последний из великих королей
Maggie Griffin
Главный герой — семнадцатилетний Френки, живущий в Дублине с отцом-актером, которого не интересует ничего, кроме театра, матерью, убежденной, что ее сын происходит от ирландских королей, и кучей братьев и сестер. Фрэнки уже махнул рукой на сдачу экзаменов, думая что все равно их не сдаст, и хочет вволю насладиться жизнью в свое последнее школьное лето. Он и его приятель собираются познакомиться с самыми красивыми девушками в городе, однако его большое и эксцентричное семейство доставляет ему слишком много хлопот. За это лето он многому научился, куда большему, чем можно было ожидать.