Lisa Urbano


The Sun Was in Your Eyes
Production Design
Un uccello molto serio
Production Design
For the first time ever, Matteo has cheated on his wife Mara, who is on vacation, and spent a night of wild, steamy sex with Angela, whom he recently met by chance. He awakens with a headache and a satisfied memory of the night. But a message from the wife tells him that she is coming back home because of a hitch and leave him prey to panic. He tries to hide every trace of the adultery but, plagued by guilt-feelings and fear of being caught, enters into a paranoiac spiral, and his clumsy attempts to fix things only manage to create more damage.
Джузеппе Москати: Исцеляющая любовь
Set Decoration
История святого Джузеппе Москати — неаполитанского врача и величайшего гуманиста. Москати всю свою жизнь декларировал, что главная сила — любовь. Он постоянно доказывал это, сочетая блестящие врачебные способности с любовью к ближнему. Москати утверждал, что даже простое сочувствие исцелит больного скорее, чем равнодушное исполнение врачом своих обязанностей, и убеждал в этом своих учеников.