Märta Ekström


Император Португальский
Экранизация одноимённого романа шведской писательницы Сельмы Лагерлёф.
Proud Katrina falls in love with Johan, who's a sailor, and follows him home to the island of Åland. She has been promised a paradise with blooming apple trees but are greeted by poverty and hard work.
Unga hjärtan
16-year-old Marianne will be confirmed. She is reluctant to do this, but her mother is more than happy for her to complete the confirmation. Marianne travels to a rectory in the country where she and a group of other girls will live while they read to the priest. On Midsummer's Eve, she meets by chance one of the other confirmands' fiancés and the feeling arises.
The Doctor's Secret
Lady Lillian Gardner is unhappily married to rich businessman Richard Gardner. On a banquet she meets Hugo Paton whom she falls in love with.
The two of us
Myriam Pearson
Widower Robert Rossiter lives in New York with his two teenage children. When he visits a fashion house one day, he falls in love with the store clerk Joyce Roamer.
The Ingmar Inheritance
"The Ingmar Inheritance". The story of a group of farmers who choose to leave their homes and follow the preacher Helgum to the Holy Land.