После того как метеоритный дождь уничтожил практически все живое на Земле, Сэм вынужден выживать под землей. Он и его верный друг Трой вместе с молодой девушкой Роуз отправляются в путешествие, которое ведет их в самые темные части подземного мира, где они вынуждены скрываться от мутировавших существ, заполонивших Землю, а также от банд преступников и мародеров...
Two best friends are pitted against each other when a new girl comes to town, matters are further complicated when they enlist together in the U S Army to fight in the Persian Gulf War, the men and their unit captured by Iraqi forces and must work together with other prisoners of war to escape...
This film addresses relationships and betrayal. Also addressing gender based violence and shines a light on the victims from a different point of view, the position of strength.
A modern tale of the ancient story of the prodigal son. Here, Luke leaves family wine farm only to squanders all his money on gambling, drugs and alcohol. He learns his lesson, returns home where his parents welcome him back but his brother has doubts.