Costume Supervisor
Одинокий дилижанс пересекает бескрайние прерии дикого Запада, населенные индейцами, весьма недружелюбно настроенными к белым людям. В нем, волею судьбы собираются очень разные люди — банкир — пьяница, беременная женщина, дочь военного, аферист, пьяница — доктор и женщина, волею случая зарабатывающая на жизнь проституцией. С ними произойдет много чего по дороге, и закончить это опасное путешествие суждено будет не всем.
Costume Design
A dramatization of the true account of a fundamentalist sect in Arizona that practices polygamy, and a returning Korean War veteran's rebellion against his father when he learns that the latter plans to increase his stable of wives by adding the 15-year-old girl with whom his son is romantically involved.
Wardrobe Master
An aspiring avant-garde composer rapes a fashion model. When she takes him to court, she's slut-shamed by the defense and the man is exonerated. But justice will be served.
Costume Coordinator
Set in rural Nebraska following the First World War, six veterans on motorcycles ride into the sleepy little town of Bingo. The locals are friendly until one of the vets beats a local kid in a drag race, after which the six are driven out of town. After coming upon a small farm, the fugitives are allowed to hide out by the two sisters who run the place. Things go smoothly until one of the vets, after smoking the locoweed growing nearby, tries to rape one of the hosts. Being part Native American, her sister decides to get revenge by casting a hex that steadily does in each of the unwelcome guests.