Tim Hanan


Тарин Баркер: Охотник на демонов
Sound Recordist
Детектив Рэй Беккет просит помощи у девушки по имени Тарин Баркер, подозреваемой в страшном убийстве. Вместе они попытаются спасти дочь детектива Беккета из лап демона.
Justice For One
Cillian decides that everything wrong in his life is the fault of Shay, who bullied him as a child, and sets out to get revenge with the help of Shay's sister Fiona, who doesn't know she's helping him.
Justice For One
Cillian decides that everything wrong in his life is the fault of Shay, who bullied him as a child, and sets out to get revenge with the help of Shay's sister Fiona, who doesn't know she's helping him.