Larry Sugar

Рождение : 1945-05-26, Phoenix, Arizona, USA


Four year old Desi learns to accept the death of her father by sending him a letter on a balloon to which she receives a reply. Based on a true story.
Ronnie and Julie
In this modern day version of 'Romeo and Juliet,' a rising hockey star and a figure skater with a bright future fall in love. However, they find themselves on opposite sides of the rink due to the fierce rivalry between their parents.
The Prisoner of Zenda, Inc.
When young computer genius Rudy inherits his father's business his avaricious uncle has him kidnapped and held hostage until the boy signs off all rights to the lucrative enterprise. Not wanting the uncle to control, a pair of corporate executives happen upon a youth who looks just like the missing heir. In hopes of keeping the business afloat, they substitute him at the board meetings.
Robin of Locksley
Robin McAllister (Devon Sawa) and his family win the lottery and they end up moving from Kansas City to Seattle where Robin attends Locksley Academy, a wealthy private school. While there Robin comes up with a plan to help one of his friends who was hurt and needs money for an operation by robbing from John Prince Sr., the head of a very wealthy corporation. Robin becomes friends with a couple of misfits at school named Will Scarlett (Billy O'Sullivan) and Little John (Tyler Labine) and also falls for a girl named Marian (Sarah Chalke) who helps train the horses that Robin's family has. While helping out his friends Robin becomes an enemy of John Prince Jr. (Joshua Jackson), the big shot rich kid at school and his friends Warner and Gibson who are also the sons of rich parents. Then Robin goes to join the archery team but is not allowed to because of John Prince Jr. so he starts his own team and his 2 friends join and learn from Robin.
Robin of Locksley
Robin McAllister (Devon Sawa) and his family win the lottery and they end up moving from Kansas City to Seattle where Robin attends Locksley Academy, a wealthy private school. While there Robin comes up with a plan to help one of his friends who was hurt and needs money for an operation by robbing from John Prince Sr., the head of a very wealthy corporation. Robin becomes friends with a couple of misfits at school named Will Scarlett (Billy O'Sullivan) and Little John (Tyler Labine) and also falls for a girl named Marian (Sarah Chalke) who helps train the horses that Robin's family has. While helping out his friends Robin becomes an enemy of John Prince Jr. (Joshua Jackson), the big shot rich kid at school and his friends Warner and Gibson who are also the sons of rich parents. Then Robin goes to join the archery team but is not allowed to because of John Prince Jr. so he starts his own team and his 2 friends join and learn from Robin.
The Halfback of Notre Dame
A high school halfback must choose between the gridiron dreams of his football coach father, and his own dream of becoming a musician.
The Halfback of Notre Dame
A high school halfback must choose between the gridiron dreams of his football coach father, and his own dream of becoming a musician.
Елена в ящике
Executive Producer
Талантливейший хирург страшно переживает из-за того, что безумно любимая им красавица Елена бросила его. Он заманивает ее в свой роскошный особняк, надеясь вернуть ее любовь, но она убегает и попадает прямо под колеса машины. Хирург спасает ей жизнь в домашней операционной, но при этом отрезает ей ноги. А потом руки…
Dark Horse
Executive Producer
14 year old Allison has to go to a horse farm. With all the horses and the help of the owner Susan Hadley she finds new sense in her life.
Executive Producer
Преуспевающий архитектор Ден Меррик приходит в себя после страшной автомобильной аварии. Вместо лица-кровавая маска и полная потеря памяти. Жена Джудит и друзья помогают ему восстановить прошлое. Меррик подозревает что-то нечистое и втайне от супруги нанимает частного сыщика, который помогает ему докопаться до истины. Истина откроет много тайн…
Project Alien
Executive Producer
In Norway a military plane crashes under mysterious circumstances: in his last message the pilot reported many lights falling from the sky. NATO wants to play down the incident, but the famous TV moderator George Abbot and the no less persistent journalist Milker sense a sensational story about UFOs and start snooping around in the area with help of pilot "Bird" McNamara. Inspired by the suspiciously rigorous isolation of the whole area around the crash point and cases of an unknown disease they have a closer look at the military's activities...
Ночная смена
Executive Producer
Расположенная неподалеку от кладбища и пришедшая со временем в упадок ткацкая фабрика стала прибежищем полчища крыс. Владелец фабрики решает нанять рабочих, чтобы расчистить помещение. Ужасное место, но долго бывший безработным Джон рад возможности заработать на жизнь хотя бы здесь и поэтому немедленно объявляет войну серым бестиям. Но очень скоро выясняется, что бал правят не они, а куда более страшное существо, больше напоминающее плод кошмаров...
Стальной рассвет
Executive Producer
Опустошительные войны и глобальные катаклизмы навсегда изменили облик Земли. В песках бескрайних пустынь, покрывших планету, жизнь жалких горсток людей целиком зависит от редких источников пресной воды. В этом суровом постапокалиптическом мире обитатели городка Меридиан живут в вечном страхе перед бандой безжалостного Дамнила, властвующего на их землях. Он намерен отнять драгоценный колодец у одинокой красавицы Кэйши и ее юного сына. Но планы головорезов внезапно нарушает появление загадочного Кочевника с острым мечом Миротворца. Молчаливый незнакомец с блестящими навыками воина и холодным сердцем героя встает на защиту городка и отважной женщины, поклявшись избавить их от злодеев. Но Дамнил не намерен сдаваться. Он поручает своим наемникам избавиться от чужака любым способом…
Slapstick (Of Another Kind)
Executive Producer
A rich, beautiful couple give birth to deformed alien twins who, when their heads are together, are the smartest kids on the planet.