Kathleen York

Kathleen York

Рождение : 1975-05-11, Los Angeles, California, USA


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Kathleen "Bird" York is an actress, screenwriter and Oscar nominated songwriter-recording artist. As a screenwriter, York has written projects for John Wells Warner Brothers, Sony, Paramount and has just completed a one hour pilot for Fox Television Studios. She is a recent alumni of the prestigious Showrunners Training Program facilitated by the Writers Guild of America and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. York achieved global recognition with her song "In the Deep", (co-written with Michael Becker) which appears on her album Wicked Little High and was written for the 2004 film Crash. "In the Deep" was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Song with York performing the song live at the 78th Academy Awards in 2006. Her self titled debut record was released in February 1999. As an actress, York has starred in over a hundred film and television projects. York starred as a young Naomi Judd in Love Can Build a Bridge, the four hour NBC miniseries about Judd's life (the second highest rated event on NBC that year). Other credits include six seasons of the multi Emmy Award winning series The West Wing as Andrea Wyatt, Northern Lights with Diane Keaton, "Cold Feet" with Tom Waits, "A Season In Purgatory" opposite Patrick Dempsey, "Nightjohn" opposite Beau Bridges, and Oscar winner Crash. Independent film credits include Cries of Silence, The Big Day, Ball Don't Lie. York was a series regular in the ABC series Vengeance Unlimited as well as Aaron's Way for NBC. Recurring roles include Stephen Bochco's Murder One, The O.C and Desperate Housewives. She appeared on the cult hit Curb Your Enthusiasm as Larry David's masseuse "Summer" in the show's second season . Fall 2010 she will be seen in the NBC drama Chase and A&E's The Glades. Other music credits include the main theme song in Sony Pictures Seven Pounds, the televised concert Where Music Meets Film along with Joss Stone, Lindsay Buckingham and Babyface as well as featured song placements in House, 2010 season of American Idol, Nip/Tuck, CSI: NY, In Justice, Jake 2.0 and Everwood. She was the featured musical artist for the 2001 season of the CBS TV series Family Law writing and producing songs for numerous episodes. Her latest EP Have No Fear was released on December 19, 2008 and a completed full record will be released in early 2010. Description above from the Wikipedia article Kathleen York, licensed under CC-BY-SA,full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Kathleen York


Jackie (uncredited)
Молодой человек сталкивается с подпольным миром внештатной криминальной журналистики в Лос-Анджелесе.
Перед классом
С шести лет Брэд страдает синдромом Туретта. Его симптомы — частые моторные и вокальные тики, которые невозможно подавить. Тем не менее, Брэд бросает вызов всем барьерам и неприятностям, и даже двадцать четыре отказа подряд не останавливают его на пути к своей мечте — стать учителем.
Джордж Гривс отмечает своё сорокалетие в кругу семьи и друзей, а на следующий день в сопровождении супруги отправляется в больницу на обследование. Очнулся он уже на другом этаже больницы, где медсестра сообщила ему, что было некоторое осложнение и что ему пришлось сделать операцию. По мере лёжки в палате мужчина начинает осознавать, что его врач перепутал его с пациентом с похожей фамилией, из — за чего ему была сделана неверная операция…
Роковая ошибка
Бывший полицейский Джо, утомленный семейной жизнью и жаждущий добавить красок в свой быт, решает пофлиртовать по Интернету с молодой девушкой. Он знакомится с Тоней Салливан, и у них начинается бурный роман по переписке. Проблемы у Джо появляются, когда Тоня прилетает к нему в Атлантик Сити с твердым намерением сблизить их отношения и посвятить его в свою тайну…
Officer Johnson
Закон и преступление, порядок и беспредел, защитник и жертва — неизбежное противостояние и столкновение. Полицейские — порядок, законопослушные граждане — закон. Но все ли граждане, слывущие добропорядочными, соблюдают законы, и всем ли представителям закона стоит доверять? Прикрываясь значком полицейского, они вершат беззаконие и из праведников превращаются в изощренных насильников.
Northern Lights
A stranger's call informs Roberta that her estranged brother Frank has died in a small town under bizarre circumstances. Ben, his best friend from college, also gets the call. Arriving just in time for his funeral, it becomes quickly obvious to them that the little slice of small-town America in which they find themselves is like an episode of The Twilight Zone featuring Frank's eccentric friends, his amazing secrets and his stunning final request. Both Ben and Roberta are shocked to discover that Frank not only had a child, but that he has left them responsible for his son's care.
Dead Men Can't Dance
Victoria Elliot
To stamp out the threat of nuclear war, a special ops team must travel to North Korea to carry out a covert mission to destroy a nuclear power plant. Everything does not go as planned. Their communications are cut off and they must remember their survival training to get them through.
To Dance With Olivia
Aurora Watling
A lawyer trying to cope with his son's accidental death takes on a case where a farmer is charged with booby trapping a watermelon patch with a shotgun which went off and injured a young boy. But in choosing to defend the farmer, he puts himself at odds with the boy's father, an old friend who is politically influential. In dealing with this case, he is forced to confront his own son's death and his wife's slippage into being a virtual recluse.
Callie Waller
John is a man of many talents, including one forbidden skill: he can read. When he teaches a young slave girl named Sarny to read and write, she learns an unforgettable lesson about the power of words and the true meaning of freedom.
Сезон в чистилище
Claire Rafferty
True story about a kid from rich family with political ties who covers up a suspicious death of a young woman. This comes back to haunt him later.
Cries of Silence
Dorrie Walsh
In the wake of Hurricane Camille, the infamous '60's storm that crippled the Gulf Coast, a mysterious teenage girl washes up to shore, and the secrets of Mississippi's Sister Island crawl to the surface. Dorrie (Kathleen York), a young doctor living with her mother (Karen Black), assumes custody of the unknown girl (Erin Buchanan) and names her Camille. Terrified and unable to speak, Camille spends her days hiding underneath the dining room table. But when Dorrie unearths a series of curious circumstances surrounding Camille's past, a shocking mystery comes unraveled.
Naomi & Wynonna: Love Can Build a Bridge
Naomi Judd
This is a true story about the relationship between a mother and her daughter, and their struggle to make it to the top in the music world. It is about hopes and dreams... about relationships and about growing up.
Секс, ложь, безумие
В жизни преуспевающего бизнесмена Рэя настают тяжелые времена. Развод с женой, проблемы в бизнесе, депрессия. В это время судьба сводит его с очаровательной Леной. Она помогает ему забыть о прошлых неудачах. Жизнь вновь кажется безоблачной и счастливой, но именно в этот момент начинают происходить таинственные проишествия, которые проливают свет на темное прошлое Лены. Ни о чем не подозревающий Рэй оказывается в смертельной опасности, которая исходит от его идеальной любовницы…
Sad Inheritance
After filling her life with addictions, Christina (Susan Dey) is left with a dead-end job, a deadbeat boyfriend and a bad rapport with her mother (Piper Laurie). The last thing she needs is a baby, a sentiment the authorities agree with when the infant is born with a drug dependency. Now, Christina's future is in the hands of a dedicated social worker (Lorraine Toussaint), whose own instincts as a mother have her fighting for the child's rights.
Gregory K
Rachel Kingsley
TV movie based on the the story of the kid who divorced his parents. Gregory has lived a rough life. His father abuses him and his two brothers. The boys are placed with the mother. Gregory is placed in a boys ranch after his mother can't take care of him and his two brothers. While at the ranch a lawyer visiting the facility meets him. He and his wife decide to adopt him and make him a part of the family. But Gregory can't be adopted until his biological parents lose custody. He divorces his parents from their rights to him.
A 30-minute unaired television movie pilot based on the original Sam Raimi's 1990 Darkman movie.
Храбрых сердцем не сломить
Реальная история жизни Соноры Уэбстер. Сирота, пустившаяся в бега с бродячим аттракционом. У неё одна мечта — стать знаменитой ныряльщицей, и она делает всё возможное, чтобы добиться успеха.
Я люблю тебя до смерти
Dewey Brown
Американца итальянского происхождения, владельца пиццерии, трудно назвать добропорядочным мужем. До поры до времени ему удается скрывать от жены свои любовные похождения. Но все тайное становится явным. И в порыве ревности, обманутая жена совершает несколько попыток отравить, застрелить и взорвать неверного мужа.
Хьюи Уокер, бунтарь-хиппи со стажем преследуется ФБР за пустячное преступление 20-летней давности. Его конвоир — агент ФБР Джон Батнер, которому дано задание перевезти в тюрьму длинноволосого ветерана. Но по дороге арестант Батнера сбегает. Пытаясь поймать беглеца, Джон вступает в конфликт с полицией, и вскоре сам пускается в бега со своим злополучным напарником.
Cold Feet
Three criminals run into complications when they attempt to smuggle emeralds across the Mexican border.
Checking Out
When his best friend dies of a heart attack, Ray Macklin becomes a man obsessed with his own mortality. Convinced that all his aches and pains are an indication of his imminent death, Ray's life turns into a slapstick farce of health-crazed anxiety and hypochondria.
The Mother
A Los Angeles mother and her seven-year-old daughter search for an escape from the poverty in which they live.
The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory
Mrs. Susannah Dickinson
Against orders and with no help of relief Texas patriots led by William Travis, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crockett defend the Alamo against overwhelming Mexican forces.
Winners Take All
Judy McCormick
Billy Robinson has become the hottest hot-rodder on the professional motorcycle-racing circuit. But when he returns in triumph to his hometown to bask in all the adulation, he also skids into some pretty rank jealousy from envious motorcycling wanna-bes. And when a local race is organized, Billy must shift gears completely and compete against his best friend, Rick, for the top prize.
Thompson's Last Run
A hardened con being transferred from a federal penitentiary to a Texas institution to finish a life sentence as a habitual criminal is freed at gunpoint by his niece. The police man, who was transferring him and has been the con's adversary for over 30 years, vows to catch the twosome.
A big-city lawyer (Jennifer O'Neill) returns to her small hometown after her father's death to resume his practice. There she is called upon to defend a migrant worker who has been accused of murder.
This Child Is Mine
Janet Rasnick
An unwed teen is fighting a major court battle to recover her infant daughter from adoptive parents.
Not My Kid
A teenaged drug addict is sent to Dr. Royce's controversial drug intervention program where the addicts in the program confront each other in supervised group meetings. Also, in evening meetings, the addicts are confronted by their families. The girl's parents want to remove her from the program because it upsets them that their daughter is being forced to associate with addicts who admit to stealing and trading sex for drugs.
Тридцатилетняя женщина, работающая официантом, спасает от террористов президента Штатов и его гостя — арабского шейха. Ее берут на службу в администрацию президента, а шейх предлагает выйти за него замуж. Американцы используют ситуацию для размещения в его стране своей военной базы. Но тайные планы Пентагона получают огласку и героиня понимает, что ее использовали. Но теперь она не так наивна и действует по разработанному плану.