Mercer Boffey

Mercer Boffey


Mercer Boffey


Massachusetts, 1987. Fran is a college-educated bag of nerves with a head full of philosophy and an unhealthy obsession with Franz Kafka. In the late hours of the night she cold-calls men across America who have the surname Kafka in hope of finding her soulmate.
Невозможные чудовища
Во время исследования возможностей сна, у участников эксперимента начинают размываться границы между сновидениями и реальностью. После одного из сеансов студентку-участницу группы убивают. Подозрения падают на профессора, так как он — последний, кто видел её живой.
Искусство убийства
Mason Ramstead
Ассистентка художественной галереи Кейт Миллер знакомится с наследником обветшалого поместья и находит потерянный шедевр Вермеера. Но в итоге она оказывается втянутой в заговор на несколько миллионов долларов, когда целостность и подлинность картины оказываются под вопросом.
Bachelor Lions
When Mark Myers and Zane Daniels meet each has yet to find ONE THING that makes them even remotely interesting. Together, they will embark on a journey most people will never take. A journey inward, to find their one true talent.
Стать Бондом
Richard Bloque
Это история Джорджа Лэйзенби, бедного механика из Австралии, который, по невероятным обстоятельствам, заполучил роль Джеймса Бонда в фильме "На Секретной Службе Её Величества", несмотря на то, что он никогда не играл в кино в своей жизни. Затем, после того, как ему предложили контракт на следующие семь фильмов про Бонда и миллион долларов, он от них отказался...
a Gringo Honeymoon
James Wallace is a young American. To him Mexico was just another adventure in a life lived without any grand plans. A place to go where nobody knew who you were and nobody cared. A chance to drop out and get by within Mexico's flourishing underground economy. When he finds himself working as a 'surgeon' in Carlos Melgarejos' burgeoning organ trafficking ring things start looking up. But that was before he met Rosalita, a prostitute at the amateur lucha libre whose profound beauty shakes his insouciance. Suddenly there's more to life than cutting out kidneys south of the border. James wants out and he wants to take Rosalita with him. For Carlos this is more than just another headache in a life filled with niggling trespasses, this is personal.
In the rural farm town of Appleton, Wisconsin, a harsh winter has set in and a rogue figure named Mitchell has returned to the town he once terrorized. Maddy Ballister lost her father at the hands of Mitchell and now she's ready to find him and settle the score.
Dead Hearts
Once upon a time, in a faraway forest bordered by an icy lake, there lived a witch who hated all mankind. She did not have a heart of her own, and without one, had been cursed to never know love. But having no heart, she was also made immortal , kept from death. Such was the witch's curse that she despised anyone whose heart still beat, and would kill whoever dared set foot in her forest. If she were ever able to love...She would lose her powers and become mortal once more.
The Cult of Sincerity
A New York hipster sets out on a a quest to create the most sincere T-shirt ever.