Peter Barkworth
Рождение : 1929-01-14, Margate, Kent, England, UK
Смерть : 2006-10-21
Питер Баркуорт родился 14 января 1929 года в Маргейте, Кент, Англия, как Питер Уинн Баркуорт. Он был актером, известным как Where Eagles Dare (1968), Patton (1970) и Уайльд (1997). Он умер 21 октября 2006 года в Хэмпстеде, Лондон, Англия.
Charles Gill
Остроумие и яркий талант Оскара Уайлда стали широко известны после публикации его романа «Портрет Дориана Грея». Уайлд, вполне довольный жизнью, наслаждался плодами успеха, пока одно событие не стало для него переломным. Однажды он был представлен красивому и молодому лорду Альфреду Дугласу по прозвищу «Боззи», чья дерзость и ум очаровали Оскара. Это знакомство переросло в страстную зависимость, которая полностью поглотила и, в конечном счете, разрушила его жизнь.
Geoffrey Carr
Geoffrey Carr is a wealthy, key player in Britain's emerging computer industry, and newly married to Frances , a much younger woman, with wilful daughter Clare from a previous marriage. He'll do anything to make them happy, including stretching his finances to buy a Georgian estate in County Wicklow, where Frances grew up. Frank Crossan is an Irish Republican hitman on the run from British authorities. Seeking refuge with old girlfriend Kate, he creates a plan to kidnap a wealthy Brit for a ransom to fund a major arms deal. Their two worlds collide when Frances and Clare are brutally snatched away to a bleak hideaway and taken hostage. Geoffrey initially wants to cave in to the kidnapper's demands “ but nothing is simple when a personal crisis plays out against the forces of political intrigue, high finance and with the eyes of the media on them.
Nick Embiricos
The true story of jockey Bob Champion who overcame cancer to win the 1981 Grand National
Mr. Carter
После окончания Первой мировой войны бывший офицер Томи случайно встречает свою давнюю подругу Тапенс. Время трудное, работы нет, денег тоже. Они решаются на авантюру: напечатать объявление в газете о том, что ради денег готовы принять «самые неразумные предложения». Богач мистер Виттингтон, увидев это объявление, приглашает Таппенс на встречу. При знакомстве она представляется вымышленным именем Джейн Финн. Услышав его, мистер Виттингтон страшно испугался, дал ей деньги и попросил, чтобы она пришла завтра. Но назавтра богач бесследно исчез...
По роману Эни Баньол. Продолжение фильма "Национальный приз". После смерти родителей маленькая Сара Браун переселяется жить к своей тете Вельвет и ее гражданскому мужу, писателю Джону Саттону. Вельвет искренне хочет помочь племяннице, но не имеет опыта воспитания детей. На помощь приходит Джон и лошадь по кличке Пай, на котором Вельвет, бывшая наездница, примерно в возрасте Сары выиграла спортивные соревнования. Сара увлекается конным спортом и надеется выступить на Олимпийских играх. Ей далеко не сразу удается добиться успеха, но с помощью тренера капитана Джонсона она преодолевает все преграды.
Three philosophy professors travel to Prague for a conference. One of them, Anderson, is forced to rethink his ideas on ethics when a former student is arrested by the Czech authorities for writing about individualist approaches to morality.
Richard Elkinson
Comedy drama written by Brian Clark.
Mr. Smith
A day of quiet frustration for the mild-mannered Mr. Smith ends with him committing suicide.
Richard Sandman
When the owner of a Yorkshire coal-mine decides to mechanize to increase profits, the mine's pit ponies are scheduled to be destroyed. So, three children plan to steal them to keep them safe. But when they're caught, it's up to the mine owners and the miners themselves to decide what's right
For many men edging on middle-age a mistress is a wistful pipe-dream. Gilbert has made fantasy into fact. But he becomes increasingly uncomfortable when his mistress makes him go against his code of ethics and forces him to burgle his wife's flat.
In rural 1840's Scotland, Gavin Dishart arrives to become the new "little minister" of Thrums's Auld Licht church. He meets a mysterious young gypsy girl in the dens and to his horror Babbie draws him into her escape from the soldiers after she incites a Luddite riot. But unknown to Gavin, Babbie is more than she seems. And they must overcome her secret, the villagers' fears of her, and worst of all, Gavin's devotion to his mother's sensibilities, before they can openly declare their love.
Richard Elkinson
Richard and Jane Elkinson are having their annual Christmas party. Only trouble is stockbroker Richard's been made redundant and, as the night wears on, the guests are becoming less tactful
Prime Minister
Shaw's comedy of ideologies looks forty years to the future at the impossibility of government as the British cabinet and monarchy face a day of "crisis" for the country. King Magnus is happy to engage a prime minister seeking to transform the nation into a constitutional monarchy, but who truly rules in this democracy: the king, the government or the businessmen? And do any of them care about the people?
Bra Factory Director
The story of a Catholic family's dilemma about the pill.
Julius Sagamore
Взбалмошная, упрямая и избалованная миллионерша Эпифания унаследовала от отца состояние в 30 млн. фунтов. Своему жениху она должна была дать 150 фунтов, чтобы за полгода он сделал из них 50 тысяч. Только в этом случае она могла выйти за него замуж. Ее жених прошел это испытание, но надежд в браке не оправдал, хотя был высоким красивым мужчиной и спортсменом. Он не вынес жуткого характера своей жены, а та изо всех сил старалась испортить жизнь ему и его любовнице. Случайно она встречает врача из Египта, которому мама в свое время тоже поставила условие: невеста должна полгода прожить на деньги, заработанные ею самой...
Men behave in a beastly, chauvinistic manner at an office party, turning what should be a fun break from work into an exercise in bad taste.
Colonel John Welkin
По книгам «Паттон: испытания и триумф» и «История солдата» генерала Омара Н. Брэдли. Биография генерала Джорджа Паттона, чей темперамент часто оказывал влияние на ход военных действий во время второй мировой войны.
Во время Второй Мировой войны британский самолет сбивают над нацистской территорией. Единственного выжившего американского генерала немцы забирают в ближайший штаб СС. Немцам неизвестно, что генерал обладает полным набором знаний об операции «День Д». Британцы решают, что генералу ни в коем случае нельзя позволить раскрыть детали высадки в Нормандии и приказывают майору Джону Смиту отправиться на его спасение с отрядом спецназа. В отряд входит американский рейнджер лейтенант Шаффер, озадаченный своим участием в британской операции. Когда один из солдат погибает после сброса с парашютом, Шаффер начинает подозревать, что у миссии Смита цель более секретная.
Set in London's Swiinging Sixties, Cliff Richard plays Jamie Hopkins, an art student whose desperate need for money leads him to dabble in the underworld of drug dealing. Cliff has stated that Two A Penny, his most dramatically challenging movie role ever, is the film he is proudest of. He has stated, "if I did want to send a fiolm as a CV, I would send that one". It is certainly his most demanding and controversial role; cynical, self centered and highly manipulative, Jamie Hopkins lies, steals and double-crosses his mother (Dora Bryan), forces himself on his girlfriend (Ann Holloway) and gets involved in fist fights with criminals. Through the influence of his girlfriend, a born again Christian, is the possibility that he may reform, yet in the mystery of the film's by-line "He promised to love her forever….today" lies the possibility that he may well not.
The TARDIS arrives on Earth in a new ice age. The travellers make their way into a base where scientists, commanded by Leader Clent, are using an ioniser device to combat the advance of a glacier.
Harold Crossley is a barrister and respected intellectual, but proves no match to his scheming young wife
Lt. David Harper
James Mason and John Mills star in this comedy-drama about a tough colonel and a refined captain who clashed during the war, and continue their personal battle in peace-time Tahiti.
A struggling singer and his band befriend an heiress who, against the wishes of her father, is searching for the lover who she has been forbidden to see and with whom she is hoping to elope.
A British business tycoon is surprised to discover his teenage daughter is being courted by a mysterious young man.
Johnnie Byrne is a member of the British Parliament. In his 40s, he's feeling frustrated with his life and his personal as well as professional problems tower up over him. His desires to win the next election are endangered by his constant looking for love and he is faced with the choice of giving up a career in politics or giving up the woman he loves.
Estate Agent
Alan Dobie plays a convict who is bequeathed a set of seven keys by a fellow prisoner. After discovering that the deceased was an embezzler who stole £20,000 that was never recovered; he sets out to find the cash after finishing the last three months of his sentence. However he must first solve the mystery of which locks the keys fit, and run the gauntlet of the police and a number of gangsters who are after him and the money.
Sub Lt. Brown
After falling in love with an American woman, Virginia Killain, who is engaged to another man, British Naval Commander Max Easton, hatches a plan that will get him enough money to support Virginia in the lifestyle she is accustomed to. Easton's plan is to disappear for a time making it seem that he has defected to the Soviets taking important Naval secrets from his job at the Admiralty and to return and sue the newspapers for slander. Not everything goes as planned for Commander Easton.
Cypher Clerk
In 1942 Britain was clinging to the island of Malta since it was critical to keeping Allied supply lines open. The Axis also wanted it for their own supply lines. Plenty of realistic reenactments and archival combat footage as the British are beseiged and try to fight off the Luftwaffe. Against this background, a RAF reconnaissance photographer's romance with a local girl is endangered as he tries to plot enemy movements.