Potential Sponsor
Al Shines, former king of the US race car track circuit, has a hard time starting his own team, once he's fired by his sponsor Robin Cates. Robin hired Al's immature daughter Kylie Shines instead. She resents Al's inevitable 'absence' as a widowed father, as well as the reigning champion, equally young but professionally vetted Kid Walker. Kylie tries to prove herself against Kid while having an on-off affair with him. Cates's marketing strategy dictates his intentions to manipulate Walker and both Shines racers.
Board President
During a blizzard in 1964, Dr. David Henry delivers his son Paul with the help of nurse Caroline. But when Henry realizes his wife is also carrying a girl with Down syndrome, he hands the second child over to Caroline without his wife's knowledge. Henry's fateful decision yields grave consequences for his family over the next 20 years.
Detective Fred Mann
A woman (Margaret Colin) discovers that her husband faked his death and assumed a new identity, while she struggled for 10 years as a single mother.
Church Hammond
A presidential debate, unconfirmed rumors and four reporters who take the political process into their own hands. With the election only a week away, the two candidates square off in a final debate. The televised event takes a dramatic turn when the moderator and three panelists confront one of the candidates with unconfirmed rumors and allegations. The debate quickly turns into a witch hunt and destroys one politician's career. They also give Tom Chapman, the up-and-coming reporter investigating the panel's ambush, the story of a lifetime: What went on behind the last debate.
Detective on Shakespeare Ave.
Фильм основан на реальных событиях расскажет нам жуткую историю о Джоне Уэйне Гейси: Хорошем друге, добропорядочном гражданине и крупном предпринимателе. Именно такой его жизнь казалась на первый взгляд. Но в ходе следствия по делу о пропавшем подростке, перед нами предстанет безжалостный серийный убийца. Жертвами его безумной страсти стало более тридцати юношей, которых он под различными предлогами заманивал в свой дом, где насиловал, подвергал пыткам, а затем убивал.
Orderly #1
While working in a greenhouse, a man receives an insect bite after touching an exotic plant. Immediately, he falls ill and is taken to an emergency room where the doctors diagnose him as suffering from an unknown bacteria, and a strange parasite which emerges from his mouth as a large slimy wormlike creature. Soon, there are more cases of bacterial infection, but the more immediate problem for the hospital is the wormlike creature which after accidental exposure to a genetic growth stimulant grows to monstrous proportions and starts a reign of terror and bloodshed in the hospitals abandoned wing.
Couple at Elevator
В полицейскую академию прибывает новое пополнение. И снова это обычные граждане, совершенно, на первый взгляд, не подходящие для работы в полиции. На этот раз новички проходят тренировки в рамках программы «Граждане на патрулировании», которую придумал комендант Лассард. Старая гвардия ведёт занятия, а конкуренты и завистники Лассарда делают всё возможное, чтобы эта программа провалилась...