Gato Barbieri

Рождение : 1932-11-28, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina

Смерть : 2016-04-02


Strangers Kiss
Original Music Composer
To help his actress girlfriend regain her confidence a Hollywood bigshot bankrolls a small budget film being made by a first-time producer and director pair. Despite the hand-to-mouth way it has to be made the film starts to come good, as does the off-set relationship between the actress and her unknown male lead.
Огневая мощь
Original Music Composer
На глазах Адель Таски погибает в собственной конторе её муж, обнаруживший преступные махинации с лекарствами некоего Карла Стегнера, третьего по богатству человека в мире. Как ни странно, именно от него вдова получает предложение о помощи и защите. Одновременно она просит полицию, чтобы для поисков и захвата Стегнера, скрывающегося где-то на островах Карибского бассейна, был послан Джерри Фэнон, в прошлом — полицейский. Адель ведёт двойную игру, помогая Фэнону и тут же сообщая о его планах представителям Стегнера, которого никто не знает в лицо.
Notes Towards an African Orestes
Self - Musician: Saxophone
The director presents takes and scenes filmed on location in Africa for a film-that-never-was, a black Oresteia.
Notes Towards an African Orestes
The director presents takes and scenes filmed on location in Africa for a film-that-never-was, a black Oresteia.
Notes Towards an African Orestes
Original Music Composer
The director presents takes and scenes filmed on location in Africa for a film-that-never-was, a black Oresteia.
Diary of a Pig War
A man who is entering old age facing a society in which young people removed the old.
Последнее танго в Париже
Original Music Composer
Действие происходит в Париже конца шестидесятых. Сорокапятилетний американец потрясен недавней смертью жены, он считает себя виновным и находится в состоянии глубокой депрессии.Отчаянно цепляясь за жизнь, он знакомится с юной парижанкой, странной и эксцентричной девушкой, намного его моложе. Их связь переходит в страсть, доходящую почти до умопомрачения, страсть, пределы которой даже трудно представить…
Na Boca da Noite
Adaptation of José Vicente's play "O Assalto" (The Theft). Bank clerk and a janitor meet at work in the middle of the night, when the first decides to rob the bank's safe.
Tatu Bola
Expedito, after being abandoned by his parents, became Zefa's adopted son until he became a man and started earning his living as an independent fisherman. As soon as he finds out that Zefa is very ill, Expedito runs back home and finds his adoptive mother in agony. At the edge of the bed, a mysterious woman, who claims to be Death, sits.
Notes for a Film on Jazz
Documentary filmed during the 1965 International Jazz Festival in Bologna, featuring appearances by musicians such as Gato Barbieri, Don Cherry, and Mal Waldron.
El perseguidor
The story of a saxophonist with delusions of persecution that is being destroyed little by little by means of alcohol, drugs and sex. A story by Cortázar inspired by the life of Charlie Parker, it shows a fragmented narration and remarkable formal aspects.
Dar la cara
Original Music Composer
Three boys from very different backgrounds who have just finished their military service must face the complex social reality of Argentina.