Steven Scot Bono

Steven Scot Bono


Steven Scot Bono


Making King Henry V
This film documents the journey of Salt House Theatre Company Artistic Director's attempt to adapt Shakespeare's Henry V into a One Act play with 9 actors and minimal props. The two year journey begins with a pitch to the Sydney College of Divinity to back the production, followed by script assessment and editing with the assistance of well known Australian Shakespearean directors. Then come the cast auditioning 5 months out from the production, and only 2 1/2 weeks of rehearsal. Can the necessary direction take place and cast members bond in such a short period of time. It all comes down to the performance on August 16th, followed by a review from the Sydney College of Divinity. If successful Salt House Theatre Company will have successfully developed a unique form of theatre.
День матери
История описывает отношения десяти женщин со своими дочерьми накануне Дня матери.
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Hip Guy
В центре сюжета 19-летний парень из Бруклина Майк Манадоро, застрявший между двумя мирами. Он жаждет изучать фотографию в Манхэттенском университете, но живет в неблагополучном районе с бандитским окружением. Чтобы оплатить счета за учебу, Майк соглашается на предложение главаря одной из местных банд.