Daniel Tenenbaum


Triple Threat
Director of Photography
Close friendships are slowly pulled apart as a once shared dream is abandoned by one in favor of fatherhood.
Triple Threat
Executive Producer
Close friendships are slowly pulled apart as a once shared dream is abandoned by one in favor of fatherhood.
A New Christmas
Kabir is a lonely medical student in New York, estranged from his wife and grieving the loss of his mother. When he meets Kioni, a charming film student from Kenya, she persuades him to show her the city's Christmas decorations, thereby leading him to rediscover the magic of the holiday season and get his life back on track.
Jones' inner demons threaten to take over her life unless she outruns the voices in her head and the ticking of time.
Крыша на ночь
Когда молодая и красивая девушка оказывается на улице, ей приходится овладеть искусством цеплять парней, чтобы найти себе крышу на ночь. Но однажды она встречает мужчину своей мечты и понимает, что ее секрет может разрушить их идеальные отношения.
The Next Two Nights
When Chrissie's latest conquest, David, goes away for the weekend, she has no place to go and must take to the streets to survive..
The Next Two Nights
When Chrissie's latest conquest, David, goes away for the weekend, she has no place to go and must take to the streets to survive..