Tom Martone


A Bird In The Shadow
"A Bird In The Shadow," is a Twilight Zone inspired short film that follows actor Eric Wu during his final days on the set of his newest movie. Eric's father Jim Wu was a legendary actor who died under mysterious circumstances when Eric was young. Since then, Eric has had premonitions of his own death as he continues his father's legacy. Can Eric escape death and finish his latest film?
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Limo Passenger
Ливорд пишет музыку для необычных музыкальных инструментов — игрушек своей маленькой дочурки. Лила занимается созданием клипов, но никак не может пробиться наверх и вынуждена скитаться по всевозможным мероприятиям в поисках спонсора. Встреча этих двух творческих людей поможет им реализовать все свои амбиции.