Richard Burman


Проклятие куклы Роберт
Police Officer
Студентке Эмили Баркер нужны деньги, и она решает устроиться уборщицей в музей на ночные смены. Вскоре девушка начинает подозревать, что жуткая старинная кукла по имени Роберт жива и сеет хаос после закрытия музея.
Friday Download: The Movie
Geek 2
A road trip with your best friends - the ultimate way to spend your holidays! That's certainly what Bobby, Shannon, and the gang thought when they set off on an adventure of a lifetime. But when their truck breaks down in the middle of night, in the middle of nowhere without phone signal, they have no option to but to seek refuge in a creepy old mansion. Welcomed to spend the night by the brother and sister who live alone in the old house - very strange things begin to occur! As the local cops don't seem to want to help and are equally as odd as the gang's brother and sister hosts - the five friends have to keep their wits and sanity about them and hatch an ingenious plan, as the road-trip adventure rapidly turns into whirlwind of spooks and crazy mysterious goings-on.
Night of the Living Dead: Resurrection
The deceased have risen with the instinct to feed on the living as a family is trapped during a zombie apocalypse. Wales. Based on George A. Romero's classic "Night of the Living Dead".