Xavi Herrero


Салка на Ничейной земле
Салка – молодая мавританка, которая решает эмигрировать в Европу в поисках лучшего будущего. Переодевшись мальчиком, она отправляется через всю Сахару по самому длинному в мире железнодорожному маршруту, чтобы добраться до побережья Атлантики. Этот 700-километровый маршрут граничит с так называемой «Ничейной землей», неспокойной границей между Мавританией и Западной Сахарой, куда постоянно вторгается Марокко. Режиссер Ксави Эрреро, первый европеец, проехавший по этому маршруту, станет безмолвным свидетелем путешествия Салки.
Moonface: A Woman in the War
A walk through the life and career of the French artist Christine “Moonface” Spengler, a legendary photographer, one of the few female war reporters in the seventies, also a writer and surrealist painter, who has worked in Chad, Northern Ireland, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq and other places where unfortunately war and death prevailed for years. This is her story, told in her own words.
Moonface: A Woman in the War
A walk through the life and career of the French artist Christine “Moonface” Spengler, a legendary photographer, one of the few female war reporters in the seventies, also a writer and surrealist painter, who has worked in Chad, Northern Ireland, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq and other places where unfortunately war and death prevailed for years. This is her story, told in her own words.
Moonface: A Woman in the War
A walk through the life and career of the French artist Christine “Moonface” Spengler, a legendary photographer, one of the few female war reporters in the seventies, also a writer and surrealist painter, who has worked in Chad, Northern Ireland, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq and other places where unfortunately war and death prevailed for years. This is her story, told in her own words.