Helge Schneider

Helge Schneider

Рождение : 1955-08-30, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany


Helge Schneider
Helge Schneider


Schlingensief – A Voice That Shook the Silence
Using unpublished and newly digitalised archive footage and film material, Bettina Böhler has brilliantly assembled this film about the life and work of the exceptional artist Christoph Schlingensief, who died in 2010.
Schlingensief – A Voice That Shook the Silence
Using unpublished and newly digitalised archive footage and film material, Bettina Böhler has brilliantly assembled this film about the life and work of the exceptional artist Christoph Schlingensief, who died in 2010.
Осторожно, Кенгуру!
Марк-Уве, скромный художник с постоянными мигренями, который живет вместе с кенгуру. Район Берлина оказывается в опасности: ультраправая акула недвижимости угрожает идиллии города гигантским проектом строительства, однако кенгуру разрабатывает гениальный план. Потом еще один, так как первый провалился. А затем еще и еще...
Werner Nekes - Das Leben zwischen den Bildern
In conversations with his friends and colleagues, among them Bernd Upnmoor, Helmut Herbst, Alexander Kluge, Klaus Wyborny, Daniel Kothenschulte and Helge Schneider, Ulrike Pfeiffer takes us on a journey into the broad expanse of Nekes' cabinet of wonder and his cinematic works. At the same time, this documentary provides an insight into the history of experimental film in Germany.
Udo Lindenberg: Stärker als die Zeit - Live
After eight years Udo Lindenberg started his comeback in early 2016 with the new album "Stärker als die Zeit". After the release of his new album the panic rocker No. 1 went on a big tour, where he - among other locations - also stopped in Leipzig. The live recording “Stärker als die Zeit - Live” documents this gigantic show. The recording from Leipzig is a colorful mix of Udo classics and hits from his new album, including "Cello", "Wozu sind Kriege da", "Der Greis ist heiß", "Ich mach mein Ding" and "Durch die schweren Zeiten". At least as impressive as the tracklist is the list of guest singers who were at Udo's side during the various appearances. Participants include Clueso, Helge Schneider, Till Brönner and Stefanie Heinzmann, Gentleman, Daniel Wirtz and Ole Feddersen, Axel Prahl, Otto Waalkes, Johannes Oerding, Jan Delay, Stefan Raab, Klaus Doldinger, Adel Tawil, Max Herre, Bülent Ceylan and many more.
Lass knacken, HELGE, HELGE, der Film! HELGE Life!
Mülheim Texas – Helge Schneider hier und dort
Helge Schneider's extraordinary talent is his ability to improvise which shows his unfailing creativity. "I paint the everyday-life in the brightest colors myself", he says about himself. Reality and fiction are tough to tell apart in his life. How does a man like him, who doesn't want his audience to know too much about himself, react on a documentary portraying him as a person?
News from the Great War
00 Schneider - Im Wendekreis der Eidechse
Roy Schneider
A dangerous gangster called the Lizard escaped from prison. He steals chickens and spits on old ladies. There's only one man who can catch him: the commissioner Roy Schneider!
00 Schneider - Im Wendekreis der Eidechse
A dangerous gangster called the Lizard escaped from prison. He steals chickens and spits on old ladies. There's only one man who can catch him: the commissioner Roy Schneider!
00 Schneider - Im Wendekreis der Eidechse
A dangerous gangster called the Lizard escaped from prison. He steals chickens and spits on old ladies. There's only one man who can catch him: the commissioner Roy Schneider!
Ohne Gnade
Mister Katzeklo – Helge Schneider wird 50
Helge - Komm hier haste ne Mark! Helge und Band live in Berlin
Helge - Komm hier haste ne Mark! Helge und Band live in Berlin
Helge - Komm hier haste ne Mark! Helge und Band live in Berlin
Chaostage - We Are Punks!
CHAOSTAGE is the first real german Punk movie. part fictional, part documentary it tells the story of some young punks...
News from Ideological Antiquity: Marx/Eisenstein/The Capital
Alexander Kluge's News from Ideological Antiquity begins with Russian filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein's ambitious but unrealized plan to combine Karl Marx's Capital and James Joyce's Ulysses. For over nine hours, the film expands in concentric circles as Kluge, his guests, interlocutors and monologists make associative links on a range of topics that starts from a filmic discussion of Eisenstein's notes.
Udo Lindenberg - Stark wie zwei
Comeback of the 62-year-old veteran of rock music. With Helge Schneider, Jan Delay, Silbermond, Otto Waalkes. Recording from October 23, 2008 from the Hamburg Color Line Arena.
Адольф Гитлер: Настоящая, наиправдивейшая правда о диктаторе
Adolf Hitler
Действие комедии разворачивается в 1944 году. Гитлер предстает в ней как физически и психически разрушенный человек, который по совету Геббельса берет в учителя актера-еврея из концлагеря для уроков красноречия, чтобы воодушевить немецкий народ на дальнейшую борьбу. Между делом фюрер играет в ванне игрушечным линкором и пытается научить овчарку Блонди, одетую в форму СС, вскидывать лапу в нацистском приветствии.
7 Dwarves: The Forest Is Not Enough
Der Weiße Helge
The Seven Dwarfs are back, this time, they go to the city.
Das kleine Arschloch und der alte Sack - Sterben ist Scheiße
Der Alte Sack (Voice)
Mendy - das Wusical
Original Music Composer
Mendy - das Wusical
Mendy - das Wusical
7 гномов: и целого леса мало
Der Weiße Helge
За семью горами, в глубине заколдованного леса живут самые известные в истории холостяки: Семь Гномов. Только сейчас гномы это больше не настоящие гномы и не карлики в крошечных колпаках, эти гномы — мужчины, которые живут согласно строгому кодексу чести. Одно из самых популярных и неправильных устоявшихся мнений то, что все думают, что они маленького роста. Только потому, что гномы в детстве маленькие — как и все остальные — не означает то, что они всегда остаются маленького роста. На самом деле они намного великодушнее, чем большинство людей. Как говорится в пословице: Мал золотник, да дорог. Семь Гномов прожили в глухом лесу много веков по своему выбору — «территория, свободная от женщин», так сказать.Но когда в их жизни появляется Белоснежка, они полностью забывают о своих убеждениях.
Jazzclub - Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm
Teddy Schu, Rodriguez Faszanatas, Professor Henry, Käpt’n Silver
A musician tries to get by working several jobs.
Jazzclub - Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm
Original Music Composer
A musician tries to get by working several jobs.
Jazzclub - Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm
A musician tries to get by working several jobs.
Jazzclub - Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm
A musician tries to get by working several jobs.
Atlantic Affairs
Saxophone Player
A cinematic journey into the music of Udo Lindenberg.
Käpt’n Blaubär – Der Film
Prof. Dr. Feinfinger
The 120 Days of Bottrop
Original Music Composer
An eccentric homage to the Rainer Werner Fassbinder days of German filmmaking.
Маленький Аршлох
Alter Sack (voice)
Сгусток немецкого юмора, пошлости, жестокости, сентиментальности, выраженный в профессионально сработанной сатире.
Praxis Dr. Hasenbein
Original Music Composer
Praxis Dr. Hasenbein
Dr. Angelika Hasenbein
Praxis Dr. Hasenbein
The Magic Drum
Other essential predecessors of film were those devices that created the illusion of motion by taking advantage of the persistence of vision and the stroboscopic effect, such as the thaumatrope, phenakistoscope or wheel of life, zoetrope or magic drum and praxinoscope and later on, the more sophisticated flip-books such as the kinora and mutoscope.
The Ambiguous Image and Space
The film looks at ways of creating spezial illusions through amiguous images, perspective theatres, folding peepshows and from the 19th century, the stereoscope, which look forward to today’s holography.
Pictures Come to Life
The history of the magic lantern with demonstrations of moving slides, watertank or polarisation slides, followed by images on paper, which are brought to life with mechanical manipulations, with light shining through them or as panorama.
Beyond the Image
The film traces the history of the camera obscura, the understanding of perspective and anamorphosis, peepshows and it shows the beauty of historical shadowtheaters and shadow toys.
Helge Schneider - Frühe Meisterwerke
Helge Schneider - Frühe Meisterwerke
Helge Schneider
00 Schneider - Jagd auf Nihil Baxter
The funny clown Bratislav Metulskie is found dead in circus "Apollo". The retired commissioner 00 Schneider is asked to assume control of the case. Schneider and his aged sidekick Körschgen investigate to find the murderer.
00 Schneider - Jagd auf Nihil Baxter
Original Music Composer
The funny clown Bratislav Metulskie is found dead in circus "Apollo". The retired commissioner 00 Schneider is asked to assume control of the case. Schneider and his aged sidekick Körschgen investigate to find the murderer.
00 Schneider - Jagd auf Nihil Baxter
00 Schneider / Nihil Baxter / Prof. Hasenbein / Johnny Flash
The funny clown Bratislav Metulskie is found dead in circus "Apollo". The retired commissioner 00 Schneider is asked to assume control of the case. Schneider and his aged sidekick Körschgen investigate to find the murderer.
00 Schneider - Jagd auf Nihil Baxter
The funny clown Bratislav Metulskie is found dead in circus "Apollo". The retired commissioner 00 Schneider is asked to assume control of the case. Schneider and his aged sidekick Körschgen investigate to find the murderer.
Приключения знаменитого Кота-сыщика
Jesaja (voice)
Домашний кот Франсис берется за расследование серии таинственных убийств кошек.
Ebbies Bluff
Texas - Doc Snyder hält die Welt in Atem
Original Music Composer
The dreaded Doc Snyder returns home after 30 years. After his long ride through the prairies of the wild west, his laundry is extremely dirty, and who could wash it better than his unshaven mommy? But first she sends him to the prison, from which he is to free his brother Hank, because otherwise he will be hanged. When that's done, they both spontaneously decide to rob a bank, which goes completely wrong. Before Doc Snyder's eyes, his beloved brother is shot by his intimate enemy, the Nose Man. Snyder initially manages to escape, but the Nose Man takes up the pursuit, and from then on many innocent people have to die - including Snyder's mother...
Texas - Doc Snyder hält die Welt in Atem
Doc Snyder
The dreaded Doc Snyder returns home after 30 years. After his long ride through the prairies of the wild west, his laundry is extremely dirty, and who could wash it better than his unshaven mommy? But first she sends him to the prison, from which he is to free his brother Hank, because otherwise he will be hanged. When that's done, they both spontaneously decide to rob a bank, which goes completely wrong. Before Doc Snyder's eyes, his beloved brother is shot by his intimate enemy, the Nose Man. Snyder initially manages to escape, but the Nose Man takes up the pursuit, and from then on many innocent people have to die - including Snyder's mother...
Texas - Doc Snyder hält die Welt in Atem
The dreaded Doc Snyder returns home after 30 years. After his long ride through the prairies of the wild west, his laundry is extremely dirty, and who could wash it better than his unshaven mommy? But first she sends him to the prison, from which he is to free his brother Hank, because otherwise he will be hanged. When that's done, they both spontaneously decide to rob a bank, which goes completely wrong. Before Doc Snyder's eyes, his beloved brother is shot by his intimate enemy, the Nose Man. Snyder initially manages to escape, but the Nose Man takes up the pursuit, and from then on many innocent people have to die - including Snyder's mother...
Texas - Doc Snyder hält die Welt in Atem
The dreaded Doc Snyder returns home after 30 years. After his long ride through the prairies of the wild west, his laundry is extremely dirty, and who could wash it better than his unshaven mommy? But first she sends him to the prison, from which he is to free his brother Hank, because otherwise he will be hanged. When that's done, they both spontaneously decide to rob a bank, which goes completely wrong. Before Doc Snyder's eyes, his beloved brother is shot by his intimate enemy, the Nose Man. Snyder initially manages to escape, but the Nose Man takes up the pursuit, and from then on many innocent people have to die - including Snyder's mother...
Manta - Der Film
DJ Johnny Flash
Manta - Der Film
Original Music Composer
Drei D
Accordeon Player
The film by a film student making his graduation film about a film student making his graduation film.
Mother's Mask
Original Music Composer
Mutters Maske aka Mother's Mask is a free adaptation of the film Opfergang (1944) aka The Great Sacrifice of Veit Harlan. Schlingensief exposes his source material's dangerous proximity to kitsch and camp by reducing the genre conventions known from Harlan, Sirk, Fassbinder & Co to the level of a daily soap: set within a noble family from the German Ruhr, Schlingensief's story revolving about Willy von Mühlenbeck's tragic love to terminally ill neighbor girl Äls (Susanne Bredehöft) and the inheritance intrigues by his evil brother Martin von Mühlenbeck (Helge Schneider) creaks with melodramatic devices and self-conscious dialogues. Rather than being a mere spoof, "Mother's Mask" is perhaps Schlingensief's purest black comedy.
Mother's Mask
Martin von Mühlenbeck
Mutters Maske aka Mother's Mask is a free adaptation of the film Opfergang (1944) aka The Great Sacrifice of Veit Harlan. Schlingensief exposes his source material's dangerous proximity to kitsch and camp by reducing the genre conventions known from Harlan, Sirk, Fassbinder & Co to the level of a daily soap: set within a noble family from the German Ruhr, Schlingensief's story revolving about Willy von Mühlenbeck's tragic love to terminally ill neighbor girl Äls (Susanne Bredehöft) and the inheritance intrigues by his evil brother Martin von Mühlenbeck (Helge Schneider) creaks with melodramatic devices and self-conscious dialogues. Rather than being a mere spoof, "Mother's Mask" is perhaps Schlingensief's purest black comedy.
"Stangenfieber" is an almost 30-year-old short movie which runs for nine minutes. It is the first directorial effort by Helge Schneider and came out shortly after "Johnny Flash". In this full feature, Schneider was not yet director and writer himself, but with "Stangenfieber", which sounds like some tropical illness, he took that past and should also be involved with these crucial aspects of filmmaking in pretty much every upcoming film starring himself. Most of the cast in this little project are Schneider's pals and they have returned in other of his films later on, especially Peter Thoms, a longtime companion for the extravagant genius that is Helge Schneider. About "Stangenfieber", it is a movie probably even more experimental than "Johnny Flash". There is one aspect of this short movie, which occurs frequently in his films as well: men wearing drag and playing female characters, in this case a tutu. -http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2302835/reviews
"Stangenfieber" is an almost 30-year-old short movie which runs for nine minutes. It is the first directorial effort by Helge Schneider and came out shortly after "Johnny Flash". In this full feature, Schneider was not yet director and writer himself, but with "Stangenfieber", which sounds like some tropical illness, he took that past and should also be involved with these crucial aspects of filmmaking in pretty much every upcoming film starring himself. Most of the cast in this little project are Schneider's pals and they have returned in other of his films later on, especially Peter Thoms, a longtime companion for the extravagant genius that is Helge Schneider. About "Stangenfieber", it is a movie probably even more experimental than "Johnny Flash". There is one aspect of this short movie, which occurs frequently in his films as well: men wearing drag and playing female characters, in this case a tutu. -http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2302835/reviews
Egomania: Island Without Hope
Original Music Composer
Egomania is a visually stunning end-of-the-world melodrama about lust, jealousy and murder set amidst solar eclipses, orchestral chants and the distant thunder of the boiling sea. The film’s characters – riddled with unconscious desires – find themselves imprisoned on an island. Drawing parallels to the work of British filmmaker Derek Jarman and staring Jarman’s actress-muse Tilda Swinton, Schlingensief’s raw and almost mythological film stands in contrast to his more offensive efforts.
Johnny Flash
Original Music Composer
Jurgen is an unknown electrician with a dream of pop stardom. His mother browbeats him into fame, while two managers compete for his contract. All Johnny really wants to do is get some sleep.
Johnny Flash
Johnny Flash
Jurgen is an unknown electrician with a dream of pop stardom. His mother browbeats him into fame, while two managers compete for his contract. All Johnny really wants to do is get some sleep.
Menu Total
Original Music Composer
A traumatized young man, abused by his father, imagines himself as Adolf Hitler when dreaming of revenge. Schlingensief released this film, which follows no linear narrative structure, at a moment when right-leaning German intellectuals argued for a coming to terms of the country’s relation with its Nazi past. Schlingensief disagreed. (MoMA)
Menu Total
A traumatized young man, abused by his father, imagines himself as Adolf Hitler when dreaming of revenge. Schlingensief released this film, which follows no linear narrative structure, at a moment when right-leaning German intellectuals argued for a coming to terms of the country’s relation with its Nazi past. Schlingensief disagreed. (MoMA)
Idiots' Battle
This black and white silent film with music by Helge Schneider, starring Udo Kier as a vampire and Alfred Edel as an Indian chief was commissioned by the Filmmuseum Düsseldorf to inaugurate their cinema organ. The look and feel of the film stems from the silent film era, but the camp style and over use of clichéd characters bears the trade mark of Schlingensief all over. “I love all things kitsch, like opera, and I feel inspired by music. I was interested in silent film but not a great deal”, said the director.
Director Werner Nekes has created this experimental film in the mode of James Joyce's Ulysses to the extent that human interactions are represented by poetic, symbolic images and language, with a certain amount of nudity added in. ~ Eleanor Mannikka, Rovi
Stern des Melies
Short film dedicated to Georges Melies.
The Fabulous World of Doctor Cadéot
Original Music Composer
In Gascony, a sparsely populated region in the southwest of France, lives Dr. Jean Cadéot, a ninety-year-old veterinarian who continues to work tirelessly and still enjoys doing so. Although his eyesight is getting worse and worse, he treats his animal patients with all his senses and all his love.