David Kennedy


Sound Mixer
Документальный фильм о самом знаменитом уличном художнике в мире. Его политическое искусство и провокации оскорбляли истеблишмент и повлияли на новое революционное движение, в то время как его личность оставалась покрытой тайной.
Manson: Music From an Unsound Mind
Sound Mixer
The untold story of Charles Manson's obsession to become a rock star, his rise in the LA music scene, the celebrities who championed his music, his tragic friendship with The Beach Boys' Dennis Wilson and his descent into violence and chaos once his dreams fell apart.
The Smiths: The Queen Is Dead - A Classic Album Under Review
Showing for the first time how it all came together and what made it so great, the film is all at once hugely enlightening, downright entertaining, and remains the only visual document of this momentous happening ever released. - Written by Clint Weiler