Danielle Hoetmer

Danielle Hoetmer


Danielle Hoetmer


Законопослушной женщине предъявляют обвинение в убийстве мужа. Ее адвокат вскоре понимает, что за случившимся может стоять заговор большего масштаба.
Emerson Heights
Emerson Heights is a story of love that seeks to answer the age-old question - can you follow your passion, and still follow your heart?
A Moving Romance
Mrs. Reese
Interior designer Olivia Wilson loses her job in New York. With newfound time on her hands she decides to head home to California to surprise her dad, Neil for the 25th anniversary of the family business, Wilson Family Movers. Upon arrival she meets the newest member of the Wilson team, Scott. With business coming to a halt, she and Scott work together to get things back on track. Just as the two begin to form a bond, Olivia is faced with a difficult decision when a worthwhile job opportunity pops up back in New York.
Taken by Grace
Patty Blackstone
An ex-con kidnaps a Christian couple in a bid to avenge his son's murder in this faith-based thriller starring Angus MacFayden and Haylie Duff. Years ago, Lucas Blackstone (Macfadyen) watched helplessly as his son was killed in cold blood. Years later, upon being released from prison, Lucas determines to see justice served at the business end of a .357. After kidnapping Shawn Everett (Bradley Dorsey) and his wife Carrie (Duff) from a campsite, Lucas instructs them to drive him to the town of Trinity so he may carry out the execution. Now as the trio drives to their grim destination, Lucas learns that Shawn and Carrie have put their trust in their faith to save their broken marriage. Unmoved by their devotion, he threatens to take their lives if they try to stop him. Later, a shocking discovery about his intended target leaves the grieving father questioning everything he ever thought he knew.
Что если...
Fifteen years ago, Ben Walker made a decision to leave his college sweetheart and ultimately his faith, in order to pursue a lucrative business opportunity. Now with a high-paying career and a trophy fiancé, he is visited by an angel, who gives him a glimpse into what his life would look like had he followed his calling.