Maria Kaurismäki

Рождение : 1983-01-01,


The Grump: In Search of an Escort
Line Producer
Grump's life follows the same familiar routines: spring is here and the early potato harvest is ripening. But Grump crashes his beloved Ford Escort and the car has to be scrapped. A new, modern vehicle is no match for quality and the nearest Escort, a 1972 model, can be found in Germany. When the Grumps's sons refuse to help, he must travel to Germany alone.
On Thin Ice
Nakkikioskin myyjä
Temporarily homeless Jarna is in the deepest trouble of his life. Debtors have come to collect old drug debts and Jarna is given 24 hours to pay up, setting off a frantic, amphetamine fueled battle against time. Manic speed, fear of killers on his tail, paranoia and self-loathing over old wrongs eventually lead to a traffic accident. Jarna can no longer escape, his pace slows and he is on the verge of giving up. The moment has come when a near-lifetime of running must come to an end.
On Thin Ice
Line Producer
Temporarily homeless Jarna is in the deepest trouble of his life. Debtors have come to collect old drug debts and Jarna is given 24 hours to pay up, setting off a frantic, amphetamine fueled battle against time. Manic speed, fear of killers on his tail, paranoia and self-loathing over old wrongs eventually lead to a traffic accident. Jarna can no longer escape, his pace slows and he is on the verge of giving up. The moment has come when a near-lifetime of running must come to an end.
Благосердная ночь
Masentunut tytär
Пока вся страна соблюдает карантин, трое незнакомых мужчин среднего возраста случайно встречаются в баре в центре Хельсинки. В течение ночи они вместе разбираются в жизненных ситуациях с целью получить ответы на вопрос «И как жить дальше?».
Forest Giant
Line Producer
Pasi returns to his childhood town, asked to reconfigure the local plywood factory. With a child on the way with his upper-class wife, Pasi sees an opportunity – this is his ticket to climb the professional ladder in the company. On arrival, he bumps into his childhood friend Janne, who works in the factory he is about to downsize. Pasi begins to struggle with the fact that he is supposed to care for the profits – not for the people.
Дед, привет!
Hoitaja sairaalassa
Ворчун хочет умереть, потому что вся работа уже проделана и смысл жизни пропал. Но вместе с мрачными мыслями к нему неожиданно приходит новая забота. Его 17-летняя внучка София оказалась в беде, и остро нуждается в упрямстве и мудрости своего деда. Так Ворчун обретает новый смысл жизни и желание раскрыть тайну.
Сувениры из Москвы
Две страны привыкли к плотному политическому сотрудничеству, и когда секретные агенты одной из стран узнали, что на влиятельного чиновника из России готовится покушение, то они сообщили об этом своим российским коллегам. По сведениям разведки, на чиновника нападут во время его приезда в Хельсинки на деловую конференцию, и теперь жизнь депутата зависит только от профессионализма тайных агентов принимающей страны. Но враг крайне изощренный и опасный, поэтому сотрудникам секретной службы придется приложить максимум усилий, чтобы спасти жизнь русского чиновника, проведя тайную от всего мира операцию.
Heli, a business student, decides to post an escort ad on the Internet. Soon she meets her first client Risto, the CEO of a Russian oriented trade company. Risto is more than willing to rent Heli's services for longer than just one night. Later, Heli takes her friends out for a fancy dinner without them knowing of her new secret career. Heli soon realizes that the money earned on the previous night is now playing a role in her present and future life.
Heli, a business student, decides to post an escort ad on the Internet. Soon she meets her first client Risto, the CEO of a Russian oriented trade company. Risto is more than willing to rent Heli's services for longer than just one night. Later, Heli takes her friends out for a fancy dinner without them knowing of her new secret career. Heli soon realizes that the money earned on the previous night is now playing a role in her present and future life.