Pirjo Rossi


On Thin Ice
Production Design
Temporarily homeless Jarna is in the deepest trouble of his life. Debtors have come to collect old drug debts and Jarna is given 24 hours to pay up, setting off a frantic, amphetamine fueled battle against time. Manic speed, fear of killers on his tail, paranoia and self-loathing over old wrongs eventually lead to a traffic accident. Jarna can no longer escape, his pace slows and he is on the verge of giving up. The moment has come when a near-lifetime of running must come to an end.
King of Hearts
Production Design
The story of Kari Tapio, who sang his way into the hearts of the Finns in the 70's and whose popularity lasted until his death in 2010.
Set Designer
Set in the final weekend of the year 1995 Ice Hockey World Championships, 95 tells through overlapping stories why Finland became a ice hockey world champion and how it affected the whole nation.
Невеста дьявола
Production Design
Финские Аландские острова в Балтийском море, 1666 год. В Скандинавии начинается охота на ведьм. 16-летняя Анна влюбляется в мужа подруги, красивого мужчину по имени Элиас. Тот вначале отвечает ей взаимностью, но быстро охладевает. Обиженная на весь мир героиня решает как-то повлиять на ситуацию и не находит ничего лучше, кроме как донести на подругу. Однако дальше события развиваются совсем не так, как предполагала девушка.
Eila, Rampe and Baby Girl
Production Design
Baby Girl, 30, a poet with a bachelor's degree in arts, is anguished because of her relationship with Pirkka, a relatively smart, young man. Baby Girl's parents, Eila and Rampe, do their best to become friends with Pirkka and his elegant mother. Through coincidence and error Eila occupies her summerhouse neighbors' empty luxury villa. When Pirkka's mother drops by, Eila lies that she and Rampe own the fancy house. The showing off and lying escalate when Eila's mother and sister show up. The real owners of the house, an upper-class couple, Thomas and Monica, are driven away to Eila and Rampe's modest cottage.
The Two and Only
Production Design
Hanna is a 30 something single woman from Helsinki. She has a good job and great friends and has almost given up on finding the Mr. Right. One night, Hanna meets Markus, a dark stranger who sweeps her off her feet.
Above Dark Waters
Production Design
A ravishing story about little Pete and his survival and growth in the gray area between love and fear.
The Hijack That Went South
Set Decoration
Aarno Lamminparras hijacked an airplane with a gun in 1978. A true story.
Stars Above
Set Decoration
A story of a house and three women of different generations who inhabit it through the years.
Home Sweet Home
Set Decoration
Life for Sale is the story of one unlucky man's descent into disaster, a dramatic, human-destiny thriller with contemporary social undertones.
Лапландская одиссея
Art Direction
Янне — человек из Лапландии, живущий на пособие. Его подружка Инари устала от непрактичности этого человека. Он даже не смог купить дигибокс, на который Инари дала деньги. И она ему поставила ультиматум: либо он к утру приносит домой этот дигибокс, либо она от него уходит. Так Янне со своими друзьями отправляется на поиски дигибокса. В пути они сталкиваются с неразрешимыми проблемами, препятствиями и искушениями. Одна из этих проблем — русские туристы.
Set Designer
"Encounter". Seven stories of women. Occasionally intersecting with each other in everyday situations. Parallel episodes of hope and abandonment, addiction and infidelity, but also friendship and trust.
Set Decoration
In the mid-1960s, three small-time Finnish bootleggers seize control of their Helsinki neighborhood's black-market liquor business.
8 Days to Premiere
Set Decoration
8 Days to Premiere is a love story set in the world of theater. Romeo and Juliet is to be the season´s grand premiere. Noora, the female lead in the play, breaks her leg at the kickoff party, and Laura, an actress who due to her debilitating stage fright has ended up as the prompter for the play, gets a chance of a lifetime. There are 8 days to the premiere.
V2: Dead Angel
Set Decoration
The tough Detective Vares, get hired by a friend accused of murdering a girl. His job is to find the real killer, but people aren't talking. Before he can get traction another homicide takes place- and things move toward a dire conclusion.
Harbour Brothers
Set Designer
Finland in the 50s saw a time where boats from all over the world docked in the harbor city of Kotka. In addition to transporting goods, the sailors brought with them another import: jazz, swing and blues. A tale of music-loving, fearless and passionate young men decide to open Fennia, a jazz bar. Soon Fennia achieves legendary status and the men; the Harbour Brothers, play their music and hold court like emperors.
Pearls and Pigs
Production Design
When their bootlegging father ends up in jail, four twenty-something brothers need money to pay his debts to local crooks. Next, their 9-year-old half-sister is dumped on their doorstep by her prostitute mother. A karaoke set helps reveal that the little girl is quite a singer, just as a talent contest for children is coming up on national television offering more than enough money to the winner.
A Long Hot Summer
Production Design
The story of a rock band "Kalle Päätalo" in the 1980s.