Mex Schlüpfer


Talking About the Weather
Clara is studying for a Ph.D in philosophy in Berlin. In this middle-class male academic environment, she feels pushed to one side. She returns to her childhood village in former East Germany for her mother's birthday, and becomes aware that a distance has grown between her and her family.
Geschichten eines Jungen, einer Frau und eines Soldaten
Великая свобода
Buddy Viktor
Молодой человек по имени Ганс отбывает заключение в послевоенной Германии за свою гомосексуальность. Его сокамерник - Виктор, осуждённый за убийство. Вскоре между двумя вспыхивает нечто, сравнимое с любовью.
По соседству
Известный актер Даниэль живет в престижном районе Берлина в шикарном лофте. У него стильная и красивая жена, воспитанные няней дети и успешная карьера. Одним прекрасным летним днем Даниэль собирается на пробы в фильм о супергероях и по пути заглядывает в бар на углу. Там он обнаруживает Бруно, встреча с которым перечеркнет все планы актера и навсегда изменит его жизнь.
Self-Criticism of a Bourgeois Dog
Bauer Motzen
The story of the dog from the title, who in a frame narrative explains how he came to be transformed from an unemployed communist filmmaker into a canine with a philosophical bent. Unable to finance his new project, young Berlin-based director Julian tells foreign exchange student Camille that his job in the countryside is research for an upcoming film. When Camille offers to help, he is forced to uphold the lie. The plantation isn’t the proletarian idyll he had hoped for, but fortunately the reincarnation of Francis of Assisi provides spiritual insight and a new aim in life.
Queen of Niendorf
Mark Wagenburg
The summer holidays have just begun in Brandenburg, but ten-year-old Lea isn’t going to camp this year with her friends as she normally would. One afternoon she spots five boys lifting a large blue oil barrel over the fence of a paint factory and driving away with their loot on a bicycle trailer. Lea's curiosity is piqued. The next chance she gets, she follows the boys and discovers they built a raft on a small lake. The raft is the boys' property and under no circumstances girls are allowed in their gang. But Lea wants to be part of it very badly and takes them up on a dare. Soon summer is full of adventure.
Berlin Metanoia
A dark cloud is creeping over Berlin. As the citizens go about their daily activities, Kore is haunted by a black shadow – a menacing memory from the past. Meanwhile, a full-grown bear escapes from its cage, throwing the whole city into a panic. There is no way out – Kore must face her worst fear.