Flavien van Haezevelde


Kiko and the Animals
Sound Recordist
Kiko is a nightmare for all the animals. He bullies them all the time, even the smallest mouse can't escape from him! How could the animals stand out and make him understand that they are just like him, capable of emotions, love, and deserve respect?
Mild Madness, Lasting Lunacy
This walk in the daily life of several psychiatric institutions, allows us to meet extraordinary people who let us enter their privacy.
Рысь в городе
Sound Recordist
Любопытная рысь покидает свой лес. Ее привлекают огни близлежащего города. Она там здорово проводит время, пока не засыпает посреди парковки. Ранним утром изумленные обитатели обнаруживают это странное животное, покрытое снегом.
Sound Designer
Jeanne was born in 1959 in Saigon. She enjoyed a privileged lifestyle, protected from the war between North and South Vietnam. Fascinated by horses, Jeanne rode a mare called Bach-Hông. But on April 30th 1975, the communists stormed the city.
Дедушка морж
Original Music Composer
В октябре на пустынном ветреном пляже бабушка молится, мама ругается, сестёр ничего не волнует, младший брат лезет в воду, а Люка остаётся в одиночестве. Дедушка был странным, а теперь он мёртв.
On the Horizon
Sound Designer
A man and a woman are doing up a boat in order to go on a cruise together. This common project brings them together. They are passionate, become very close. Their relationship is sensual and tender. Yet they grow weary after a long period of relentless work, and both their life and the boat go adrift.
Phantom Boy
Sound Editor
At a hospital in New York, Alex, a police officer, meets Leo, a boy who has the ability to get out of his body and pass through the walls like a ghost. Both team up with Mary, an intrepid journalist, to capture a disfigured villain who terrorizes the city.
Тетя Хильда
Sound Designer
Тетушка Хильда, большая любительница природы, содержит целый зеленый музей — в огромной теплице у нее растут тысячи и тысячи растений со всех уголков мира. А в исследовательской лаборатории местной корпорации тем временем выводят новую зерновую культуру Аттилем. Она не требует воды, не нуждается в удобрениях и дает обильный урожай. Настолько обильный, что вскоре этот гибрид грозит заполонить мир и уничтожить все остальные растения, включая оранжерею тетушки Хильды.
Anatole's Little Saucepan
Sound Editor
Anatole is always dragging his little pan behind him. It fell on him one day, for no reason. Ever since, it gets caught everywhere and prevents him from going forward. Anatole is fed up, so he hides. Luckily, things are not that simple.
Bye-Bye Elida
Bye-Bye Elida takes place in vast plains. We discover several groups of characters going about their respective activities. Some try to find food to survive, others build, travel or perform inexplicable rituals. The passing of time shows us that the actions of some, however positive or cruel, have an effect on the lives of others.