Angel Flores Marini


From Inside
Line Producer
Carmen Altamirano was buried alive at 2 years old by her parents. 30 years later, she will have to dig up her past.
I Am Pepito
Humor, crime, action, drama, compassion and risk are the ingredients that this wonderful story uses to create a scenario that seems to be a dead-end and a worst nightmare, that will be resolved in the most surprising, unexpected and fun way. Taking Pepito from victim to supposed thug and from supposed thug to hero.
There and Then
Story about the encounter between Temístocles and his godfather, whom he believes has killed and now comes back as a ghost to drive him mad. From drama to comedy to the absurd, Temístocles faces his own ghosts until he's about to lose control of himself. His family's economy is almost ruined, his wife is near from giving birth. Realizing he is alive, the possibility to fix his past and breaking up with the curse he's been carrying becomes real.
There and Then
Story about the encounter between Temístocles and his godfather, whom he believes has killed and now comes back as a ghost to drive him mad. From drama to comedy to the absurd, Temístocles faces his own ghosts until he's about to lose control of himself. His family's economy is almost ruined, his wife is near from giving birth. Realizing he is alive, the possibility to fix his past and breaking up with the curse he's been carrying becomes real.
La Tentación
After winning the lottery, a woman discovers that money can't buy happiness.
Биографический фильм о полковнике Уильяме Уокере Норвелле, воинском начальнике и авантюристе, задумавшем группой в 45 бойцов в 1853 году `освободить`мексиканский штат Сонора и создать свою, так называемую, непризнанную республику. А позднее, будучи командующим Первого Американского батальона пехоты осуществить агрессивное вторжение в Никарагуа (1855)...