The film revolves around the "Blue Whale Challenge" game used by many young people and adolescents, after the spread of technology and the parents' preoccupation with their children which might lead to their exposure to great risks.
Действие фильма разворачивается в первые дни после свержения президента-исламиста Мухаммеда Мурси. В полицейском фургоне вместе оказываются два журналиста, два сторонника исламистов, двое умеренных и один христианин. Смогут ли эти разные люди найти компромисс?
When businessman Sherif (Ahmed Ezz) reports his wife's Sara (Ruby) mysterious disappearance to the police, investigation led by officer (Mohamed Ragab) reveals conflicting testimonies and the possibility of a very sinister abduction.
Youssef, a student at the Faculty of Fine Arts, responds to the call of talent and love of drawing against his family's wishes.