After fallout from a story, reporter Melanie goes home to Cherry Springs for a break. When a friend disappears, she uses her skills to get to the truth, to the local detective's dismay.
When an emotionally abusive father reneges on a lifelong promise, a determined millennial is forced to choose between fighting for her relationship with her father or her freedom. 'Spoiled Milk' is about what it means to have an expiration date as a daughter and the invisible scars of emotional abuse.
Пережив унизительную шутку грозы школы Уитни Беннет, пара подружек-ботаничек не желает оставлять всё как есть и мириться со своим положением. Но по силам ли главным чудакам и лузерам школы сломать систему и достойно отомстить обидчикам?