Pazz Neglia


Дружба и никакого секса?
First Assistant Director
Двадцатилетние Уоллес и Чантри знакомятся на вечеринке. Между ними сразу пробегает искра. Симпатичный и неглупый Уоллес влюбляется в забавную и необычную Чантри. Молодые люди начинают общаться и обнаруживают, что они родственные души, у которых очень много общего. Уоллес и Чантри начинают интенсивную переписку по электронной почте, они ежедневно шлют друг другу смски и регулярно ходят вместе ужинать. Однако вскоре выясняется, что у Чантри есть постоянный парень Пол…
First Assistant Director
A group of frustrated waiters at a kitschy steakhouse take over their restaurant for one final, glorious, revenge-filled night when they discover they are all about to be fired.
Boxed In
First Assistant Director
In this short film, a young woman of mixed ancestry struggles with an Equal Opportunity Form that requires her to respond to the dilemma: Ethnicity - Choose One.
Second Assistant Director
Lilith, a cat-rescuing entrepreneur, and Athena, a genetic engineer, are desperately trying to have a baby together. Their attempts to conceive with the help of science have failed, so Lilith takes matters into her own hands, and uses her unique skill set to steal some very special sperm. That task turns out to be an easy one compared to convincing Athena it's a good idea!
The Fraternity
Second Assistant Director
Some students at Runcie prep school form an elite club. The group is implicated in a cheating scandal and one of the club members dies mysteriously. Another member decides to try and discover the dangerous truth about Runcie.