Giovanna Zacarías

Giovanna Zacarías

Рождение : 1976-12-11, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico


Giovanna Zacarías


The Trace of Your Lips
Román is an actor who works in B-movies and who’s isolated in his apartment as a pandemic keeps the world on edge. Aldo, an indigenous young man, is an essential worker who’s allowed by the authorities to come and go. They live across from each other in an apartment complex. They meet online, and they can talk and even see each other in videocalls, but they can’t meet in person. Eventually, the temptation to break out of their lockdown comes up.
Когда исполняется 40
Mujer del jurado popular
Узнав горькую правду, шеф-повар вместе с другом и партнером по ресторанному бизнесу отправляется на кулинарный конкурс в Канкуне, чтобы снова почувствовать вкус жизни.
Уличная богиня
Женщина из неблагополучного района в пригороде Мехико возвращается домой в статусе рок-звезды и сталкивается с призраками прошлого.
The Seduction School
A small seductor pays homage to Mauricio Garces movies. Two years have gone by since Raul suffered a terrible love disappointment that transformed him into Sombra, a master of seduction. Raul shares his don juan secrets with Rodolfo, Luis and Waldo, three funny characters who don´t have any luck with women.
One Small Problem
The love of his life hates kids. So when his 9-year-old daughter suggests she pretend to be his sister... what could go wrong?
Don't Air Your Dirty Laundry In Public
Lupita and Toña work as housemaids at the Ruíz Palacio’s house, an aristocratic Mexican family. For a long time they have been mistreated and poorly paid. They’re now fed up with the abuse and lack of respect they get from their employers.
Хозяин смерти 2
Крупная немецкая компания по производству и продаже оружия оказывается в центре скандала, связанного с поставкой оружия в регионы Мексики с повышенным уровнем насилия.
Sonora: The Devil’s Highway
1931, a year of nationalisms and excesses: The Chinese are expelled from Sonora; the US deports Mexicans and closes its borders. Twelve desperate people cross the Sonoran desert in a 1929 Chrysler, hoping to find peace in Baja California. As their sojourn exposes both the best and the worst of human nature, racism, greed, and paranoia prove as deadly as the merciless landscape around them.
La Bruja
Расследование серии шокирующих убийств приводит к священнику, отлученному от церкви за сатанинские ритуалы. Он и его приспешники стремятся приблизить апокалипсис, чтобы антихрист явился в человеческий мир и беспредельно властвовал. Главному герою придется выйти на тропу войны с настоящим злом.
Tattoo of Revenge
After suffering a violent incident, a woman decides to become a vigilante, defending every woman who has suffered from physical or psychological abuse.
It's a cloudy day and two young men enter a photo booth. They're friends, co-workers at a construction site; both take advantage of a spare moment and the small space to smoke, talk and portray an extraordinary moment.
How to Break Up with Your Douchebag
This comedy takes its cue from such female-centered films as "Bridesmaids" and "Trainwreck." Pic centers on a woman who makes a living from breaking up couples and decides to take on the task of splitting up her sister's relationship with her jerk of a boyfriend.
LIEB MICH! - Latin Gay Shorts Volume 5
Vinnie Vanatta is a con artist devoid of any sense of morality. But spiritual payback enters his life one day in the form of two persons David Helms, a man of God with a secretive past, and Marlena Salguero, a downtrodden woman with an uncertain future. The collision of these three souls combusts into a struggle over not only their lives, but also their eternal salvation.
Мы продолжаем
Майлз Гриссом до ужаса боится смерти. Он предлагает денежное вознаграждение любому, кто докажет ему существование загробной жизни — покажет привидение, ангела, демона или чёрта в ступе. Парень решает встретиться с тремя претендентами на награду — учёным, медиумом и предпринимателем, и в сопровождении чрезвычайно заботливой мамы он пускается в необычное путешествие по Лос-Анджелесу.
Mexican Men
Señora Jóven
Who’s up for a sensual, seductive trip with some of the hottest Latin men that have ever graced the Silver Screen? ‘Mexican Men’ collects five of the most accomplished gay shorts from one of the homes of groundbreaking queer cinema. From short encounters, emerging love stories and deeply touching connections, these short films are sure to stir the heart... and body. Includes: Atmosphere [Atmósfera] (2010); To Live [Vivir] (2003); Tremulous [Trémulo] (2015); Wandering Clouds [Nubes flotantes] (2014); Young Man on the Bar Masturbating with Rage and Nerve [Muchacho en la barra se masturba con rabia y osadía] (2015).
Common Causes for a Clinical Condition
María rehearses Antigone the same way as she criticizes the government's actions; Ismene listens fearfully just as Irving reluctantly accepts the official version of a lie. Love only has consciousness in its disappearance; in the end the causes will be known, and only the memory of those who refuse to forget will be left with no consequence.
Señora Jóven
Carlos sweeps and mops the floor of an old-time barbershop. The day before Independence Day, among the customers is Julio. Their eyes meet, and when the barbershop closes Julio comes back for Carlos. They spend the night together, eating, chatting and even dancing, knowing full well that this encounter will be brief and short-lived.
Ramona is 84, and she has announced that she is ready to die. While her family is making the preparations, however, she changes her mind.
Ramona is 84, and she has announced that she is ready to die. While her family is making the preparations, however, she changes her mind.
Batallas Latentes
Familia Gang
A senior official of the Mexican political system decides to fake the capture and death of The Coyote, public enemy number one in Mexico, to make this happen, he cuts a deal with his family, who require a dead body to pose as a double. Topillero is responsible of executing the plan. But on this journey he is reunited with his wife and son, whom he abandoned years ago.
Doctor Funes Formula
Martin, a child of the 21st century, through his telescope discovers Doctor Funes, the inventor of a formula to become young again and the envy of Doctor Moebius, who also wants to regain his youth. Martin goes to visit old Funes, but instead finds twelve year old Pablo, whom he shelters in his house without telling his parents what is going on. Pablo turns the biology teacher into a baby girl with a pacifier, and a group of the elderly into children. Martin dreams of a world of only children, but Doctor Moebius steals the formula, not knowing that its effects are unpredictable.
The unveiling of a statue honoring Emiliano Zapata becomes the site in which the demands of a struggling city are manifested through the speech of a young boy.
Американская женщина репортер в поисках своего пропавшего брата, на фоне насилия и человеческой контрабанды на границе США с Мексикой
На дороге
Puta Loca Roja
После смерти отца начинающий нью-йоркский писатель Сэл Парадайз знакомится с молодым и очаровательным Дином Мориарти, только что вышедшим из тюрьмы и женатым на соблазнительной красотке Марилу. Они мгновенно становятся неразлучными друзьями. Стремясь к свободе, Сэл, Дин и Марилу порывают с условностями жизни и отправляются в путешествие навстречу миру, людям и самим себе.
Between Us
Rodolfo Guerra, father of three daughters, wakes up one morning and decides he will not go to work; he is tired of being mistreated by his wife. In that one day in which the family routine is broken, Rodolfo opens his eyes and realizes that he is a perfect stranger in his own home. Rodolfo knows that he is risking his job, yet he still takes the time to put the puzzle pieces together to discover many unknown truths that are present among his daily life.
The Girl
A young Texan mother who loses her child to foster care begins smuggling Mexicans across the border.
Any Given Night
Leo meet Javier at a bus stop while he tries unsuccessfully to flirt with a colleague from work. Leo's comments make Javier suspect that he is getting into his head to read his mind.
DiDi Hollywood
Bar worker Diana Diaz leaves Madrid for Miami and with new boyfriend, Robert (Luis Hacha), they then head for Hollywood, prepared to do anything for fame.
De la infancia
It tells the story of Niebla, who died in a shootout with the police and whose ghost comes back to help change Francisco´s fate, a 10 years old boy. Francisco´s father, Basilio, an abusive and violent thief, adored and feared by his son, destroys his mother and brothers, when he takes out his frustrations at home. The ghost protects Francisco from his father´s violence and handholds him threw his first love with Roxana who has her own story of abuse. Feeling protected, Francisco is able to face his oppression.
The Basement
Jacobo is fascinated by fairy tales. Convinced that a witch has appeared in the basement of his own house, he tries to destroy her, only to discover that reality is sometimes crueler than the fantasy.
Dos mil metros (sobre el nivel del mar)
Galo has enough free space in his old and luxurious apartment so he asks Fama, an exgirlfriend with cash problems, to come live with him. She arrives with her Canadian boyfriend, Alex. They both couldn’t find themselves in a more comfortable situation: free space to live in, stocked fridge and no pressures to leave anytime soon. Nevertheless not everything goes smoothly for Fama while in there, specially with Carlota (the fourth roomate in the house) who seems to hold an interest for Alex.
Кризисный день из жизни Кристобаля — избалованного парня из состоятельной семьи, который решил закатить вечеринку на вилле родителей. Однако веселье — лишь ширма, скрывающая множество реальных проблем.
Year of the Nail
A love story between a Mexican teenager and an American woman who meet one summer in Mexico.
Infierno Grande
Based on a real event, where the municipal president, in order to clean the image of his people before a politician's visit, "throws" a group of mentally ill people into the desert.
The Citrillo's Turn
1903, before the Revolution… The Citrillo’s Turns is a pulque bar in Mexico City, in which beings with no present or future gather to drink their lives away and tell stories of the dead and apparitions. Thus is woven a story of real passions –love, betrayal, jealousy, pillage- in an atmosphere of drunkenness and hallucination.
Sexo, amor y otras perversiones
Compilation of short film about sex, love and other perversions.
Легенда Зорро
Спустя 10 лет Алехандро обещает Елене и сыну Хоакину расстаться с маской и вечными приключениями, но воплотить эти планы в жизнь не удается, поскольку зреет новый заговор, бороться с которым может лишь всесильный Зорро…
El edén
A conservative businesswoman promises her dying husband to bring their son, long-absent and whose whereabouts, is unknown back home. The clues lead to El Edén, a male brothel dressed as a gym. Despite the fact that he refuses to return, she, accustomed to achieving what she sets out to do, will use all her weapons to recover what is her own.
Бойня в Пуэрто Валларта
Maria de la Luz Santos
Прайс — наемный убийца, давно работает на ЦРУ, но когда он совершает не разрешенное начальством убийство, у его куратора не остается никакого другого выбора, как только начать на него охоту. Прайс решает уйти в Мексику и уговаривает писателя — неудачника и его жену отвезти его до границы…
Written on the Body of Night
A look back at a director's life with his neurotic mother.
Julian, an 18 years old young man, discovers for the firts time what love is. He is betrayed, learns to betray, to abandon and to love. We see his love life though three chapters: from the innocence of love to the abandonment of his daughter.