Carlos Cobos

Carlos Cobos

Рождение : 1958-12-10,

Смерть : 2012-06-13


Carlos Cobos


Javier, a man traumatized by his daughter's recent death, returns to his former home with the intention of winning back his ex-wife, unaware that something awaits him there.
Тайный мир Анны
Фильм рассказывает о странной девочке Анне, которая обитает в волшебном мире фантазий. Вместе со своими новыми странноватыми друзьями она отправится в захватывающее приключение…
Diente por diente
Pablo Kramsky, a crime reporter for a tabloid newspaper is the victim of a home invasion. A colleague offers him a gun for self-defense, and this leads Kramsky to kill a person when he feels endangered. Kramsky is not brilliant at his job, but when he writes an article about a possible vigilante taking justice into his own hands, he gains the recognition of his superior and the admiration of his coworkers. Thus, Kramsky repeats the formula, committing crimes and writing about them, creating a crime fighting national hero.
Lic. Suárez
Maria is a girl who loves to cook and lives with his grandmother, Doña Tere, in Mexico City's downtown. Doña Tere has a traditional Mexican restaurant called "El Molcajete". After the death of her daughter, Doña Tere abandoned his passion for cooking and stopped working in "El Molcajete", now operating under the direction of chef Rosi. Maria does everything possible to bring her grandmother back to the restaurant, while chef Rosi cooks dishes according to new trends in fusion cuisine which highlights the light food, but Maria and Doña Tere won't accept the traditional flavors and cooking secrets to be forgotten. The cuisine battle between Tere and chef Rosi is an epic fight not only between long-stablished mexican food and light food, but also a struggle of family bonds, friendship, cooking secrets, flavour’s passion and more than two hundred ingredients that are needed in order to prepare Mole, a traditional mexican sauce.
Made in China
For his 50th birthday Marcos only receives an invitation to the wedding of the only woman he loved; 30 years ago. With the chinese mafia after his restaurant and the shattered dream of becoming a writer, Marcos decides to go to the wedding. Fernando, the irresponsible delivery guy joins Marcos in this cross-country adventure. Will they make it ti the wedding on time?
Marcelo feels he's found the incarnation of his favorite superhero in Julio, his troublesome and eccentric neighbor whose biggest dream is to become a porn star, but Mrs. Martha, who still treats her son Marcelo like a kid, will never permit such a relationship to flourish. Emotionally disturbed, she will try to protect the only thing she's got left in the world: her son.
Padre Edmundo Posadas
Agent Jesus Juarez (aka Chucho) has always played the Devil in his town's Nativity Play. This Christmas, when the new pastor of the church recasts the role, the two men engage in a battle between good and evil.
La Revolución De Juan Escopeta
El Gordo (voice)
Mexico 1914. During the Revolution, a raid by the army in a small mining town leaves Gapo, 11, orphaned. Taken captive to be turned into a child soldier he escapes with the help of Juan Escopeta, a gunman for hire. Together they travel through a country absorbed in civil war in search of Gapo’s older and only brother: a famed revolutionary outlaw.
Así es la Suerte
Ramiro is a theater actor who lives estranged from his father and half brother. One morning, he runs into a suicide, who says he is an evil omen. Despite Ramiro´s efforts, the young man dies before his eyes, which leads him to believe that he has caught his bad luck. From then on, his life turns upside down, at the same time as he gets together with his family to fulfill his father´s last wish: to find the love of his life and say goodbye to her.
Encargado de Motel
Бенджамин «Бенни» Гарсия, прожив 20 лет в США, депортирован в свою родную деревню на севере Мексики. Возратившись в дом, он видит картину опустошения. Все — от священника до мэра города связаны с наркоторговлей. Ему предлагают заняться тем же. Сначала он сопротивляется, но не найдя нормально оплачиваемую работу, в итоге Бенни получает «классную работу», а заодно деньги, веселье и девочек. Но вскоре Бенни понимает, что криминальная жизнь это совсем не веселье.
Conozca la cabeza de Juan Pérez
Juan Perez is a wizard who begins to remember how he lost his head, after an economic crisis in the Circus where he works, he promises to mount a spectacular act of beheading that it could again return it to its glory years. But without any fifth in the bag and with time running out to build a machine is forced to rob a real guillotine without this weighs a terrible curse.
Another Egg and Chicken Movie
Huevito Afeminado
Toto, now a chicken, tries to live as such, while Willy and Bibi deal some problems between them. A sorcerer egg desert needs a chicken heart to cast a spell. He sends his armies of eggs vulture, ostrich and scorpion to kidnap Toto. His friends embark on a journey through the desert to rescue the chicken, where they live countless adventures
The Citrillo's Turn
Priest Jonas
1903, before the Revolution… The Citrillo’s Turns is a pulque bar in Mexico City, in which beings with no present or future gather to drink their lives away and tell stories of the dead and apparitions. Thus is woven a story of real passions –love, betrayal, jealousy, pillage- in an atmosphere of drunkenness and hallucination.
An Egg-celent movie
Huevito Afeminado
A small egg named Toto decides that he wants to fulfill his purpose in life and become a chicken instead of dying in a frying pan; so he starts a quest to return to the farms along with his new friend, the noisy egg Willy and a crazy bacon stripe. The three friends will face lot of obstacles in their quest.
Легенда Зорро
Спустя 10 лет Алехандро обещает Елене и сыну Хоакину расстаться с маской и вечными приключениями, но воплотить эти планы в жизнь не удается, поскольку зреет новый заговор, бороться с которым может лишь всесильный Зорро…
Pachito Rex: I'm Leaving but Not for Good
The attack on a popular singer known as Pachito -who becomes the favorite candidate to win the presidential election in an imaginary Latin American country- is the starting point of several stories, including: the alleged murderer, a police officer investigating the disappearance of the murdered body and an architect hired to design the mausoleum to the memory of the possible dictator.
Танцы под ущербной луной
Главный герой - русский, попавший после войны из фашистского плена в Мексику и проживший на чужбине большую часть жизни, теперь возвращается на родину с дочерью, пережившей сильный нервный стресс.
Día de suerte